What Has Annoyed You Recently?

The process of moving back to Virginia after just moving out of it a little over two years ago. Not only the actual relocation of all my possessions, but also the requisite bureaucracy in changing states, re-registering vehicles and the ability to drive them, filling out change of address forms for every damned company that needs to bill me for things, etc.

Also starting my new job and having to wait impatiently while sysadmins create my account on the various servers all over our network that I need access to in order to do my job. Plus the requisite filling out of paperwork, I-9s and such, getting an ID badge, all that which should only take a few days or so but has so far taken upwards of a week.

Lastly, receiving this cd shelf in the mail:

without any damned instructions on which of the obscure-looking screws go into which holes where and in which order. Then, once it was assembled, worrying that it may actually not be large enough to hold all my cds.

Rick Reuben wrote:You are dumber than week-old donuts.

What Has Annoyed You Recently?

Cyclists who think they own the fucking road and then flip me off and yell insults for tapping on my horn. Sir, I am sorry that my horn annoys you. Would you prefer that I accelerate to 60 miles per hour and crush your fucking skull? No, I didn't think so. Stay to the side of the road and only travel in the direction of traffic. See that one way sign? It applies to you too, asshole. And another thing. Wear a helmet. And reflectors if it's nighttime. Because I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to Geico, and I would like to retain that savings by not running over your sorry, righteous ass.

What Has Annoyed You Recently?

Intelligent Design. Holy shit! Is someone filming us? Are we part of some reality show about how fucked up people will act before you loose control and strangle them?? I mean, really! Is it a contest of how far up our own asses we can shove our heads?!! Well if it is I think we have some winners.

Also, I hate people that litter. Seriously. It has gotten to the point that when I see someone letting a wrapper fly our their car window I want to floor it and ram them....ram them hard enough to kill them. Is this normal?

Serenity Now! Serenity Now!

What Has Annoyed You Recently?

Rodabod wrote:I have recently had to suffer a few of things in the last month or two which are absolutely killing me.


3. Green Day's "Wake Me Up When September Ends" video. This one infuriates me. The movie scenes make me want to bang my head off a wall and punch myself in the face. That may sound extreme, but I can't actually believe that they get away with it.

I've only seen it once, upon a shining recommendatoin from a friend(believe it or not), and I was amazed. It was so terrible.

also just the fact that they get away with calling that album a rock opera and other people go along with it.

It's really pretty bas and disjointed as a rock opera. Have the songs don't fit at all and totally break the flow, and even the title track feels out of place, even though it supposedly inspired the rock opera idea. I think it's a pretty good album, and I'll call it a concept album, but they're definitely getting a bit too much credit.

What Has Annoyed You Recently?

Marsupialized wrote:This one lady insisted I wear these fucking booties over my shoes so I wouldn't track my obviously non-rich filth around her home.

man, have you heard of "projection"? it's a psychological term, i think. the booties aren't about whether you're rich or not. i've seen contractors on multiple projects, on multiple occasions, cause dirt such that cleaning bills were being payed for and items were being *added* to the punch list, which is obviously not what anybody involved wants. it's not based in class discrimination so much as it's based on fuckup avoidance. it's purely practical.

Marsupialized wrote:Another would not let me use the bathroom, I was there working for about 10 hours and he just couldn't live with the fact a non-rich person had pissed in his toilet I suppose.
So yeah, rich people have been annoying me as of late.

that's fucked up about the bathroom. talk to your supervisor and tell him you don't think that's realistic. and that if you can't take a leak there, you're going to have to take breaks and go drive somewhere like McDonald's or some such. to take your leaks. as humans must.

have you ever heard my story about one of the richest people i've ever met, a guy who *builds* those subdivisions for a living? one time when i was there as a freelance computer/audio consultant, as a personal side project from having done his home automation system through my employer, he made me stop working and come down to the kitchen with him and his wife and a couple of his kids, and watch a video of the Yardbirds, while he cooked burgers for his family and me. he told me next time i come back, i should be ready to jam out on Crossroads with him. he had several guitar cases in his basement, which i can only assume were amazing collector-caliber guitars. when i had finished my work that night, and his wife asked what they owed me, and i figured two hours at $75 an hour (which included the time i was watching the video and eating the burger) so i said $150. she wrote me a check for $200 for no good reason.

not saying they're common, just coming to the defense of "rich people" for the sake of those rare guys with millions of dollars worth of "stuff" who are actually badass. i would agree that most of them are jackasses. but i know of at least two of them who are really fucking cool people who share like motherfuckers.

OH YEAH! on topic then... i was thoroughly annoyed by a woman who works for a government agency i shan't discuss, that pays my employer large amounts of money for consulting-type stuff. in meetings yesterday and today-- each 8 hours long with a couple breaks to "hit the head" (or for me and one other guy out of like 30, to smoke) and one for lunch-- there were a handful of occasions where she decided she needed to dominate the meeting by arguing and talking nonsense about stuff she clearly didn't understand. maybe i couldn't stand it because she reminded me so much of me... but man did i wanna interrupt her and say "okay, stop talking now". i could feel it in the room, people just willing her to shut up. and when she finally would, at least half of the time, there was dead silence, on the part of everyone, long enough that it was clear that thread was done with. and then someone would start talking about something meaningful.

LVP wrote:If, say, 10% of lions tried to kill gazelles, compared with 10% of savannah animals in general, I think that gazelle would be a lousy racist jerk.

What Has Annoyed You Recently?

russ wrote:that last post.


Also: my housemate’s level of cleanliness. She owns the house, so I have to be really careful how I approach the subject. I would rather be feeling okay about her as a person, but when I get up and find bits of bacon on the kitchen floor, and I’m the only person who ever cleans it anyway, her washing up all over the place like as though she lives alone, and thus makes me realise that I am but a money making enterprise to her, I have but no choice other than for my first words of the day to be “fucking fat fucking whore.â€

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