Your favourite cheap purchase

A guy sold me a Fender Twin Reverb for $285 last year. It's easily the best deal I've got. I had to replace the speakers after a hellish ordeal a few months later, but some really cool people gave me $300 and I bought some Celestion Vintage speakers. Wow.
Red Hot Chili Peppers meet Incubus and get stoned on their way to a Black Sabbath concert and find God

Your favourite cheap purchase

The best buy of my life was at a guitar store outside of Dallas, Tx called Eugene's (he is at all the guitar shows). They had this freaking amazing organ that was made for 6 people to play it at once. It was a teaching model from the late 60's or actually probably the early 70's made by Musitronic called the Learning Center. It is on wheels and folds in the middle like a ping pong table, you know? The six organs are all the way around so all players were looking at each other like they were at a dining table. Each organ has it's own 1/4" out and the 'teachers' organ at the head of the table has a controller to turn on and off each other organ. It is very space age looking, very DEVO. (It is pictured on a Dianogah/Log Letters split 7".) I think there was a school that was knocked down near buy and these guys ended up with the organ. I was seriously tearing up with joy when I saw this thing amongst the pointy headstocked, scalloped fretboard guitars of Eugene's. "How much", I asked. The fat bearded guy behind the counter (well, one of the fat bearded guys, anyway) replied "$150". I have never pulled cash from my pants faster in my life. No hemming and hawing at all. I swear I think those fat bearded guys are STILL laughing at me for buying it, and that was 9 years ago.

Your favourite cheap purchase

i got a rhodes bass electric piano (just like the doors, dude) from a pawn shop in iowa for $30. it was sitting above the power tools with the lid on. the pawn shop guy said it had been there as long as he could remember. the rhodes bass was traded for a sixties blackface fender deluxe, which has since been traded for a vox ac15. so take your pick: i got the piano or one of two amazing amps for $30. and the kicker: they were/are all in perfect working order.

mayfair mark- thanks for the story about the hydra-headed keyboard. i always wondered what the hell was going on in that log letters/dianogah photo. and............. you know that fake mellotron keyboard module i've borrowed from you 80 times? what's it called again? i should buy my own. or you could sell me yours for a hot dog from golfo's and two nickels, and i could post another cheap purchase story.....

Your favourite cheap purchase

Hey Matt! How's things? I got to sit next to your woman at a Brokeback show.

It is a Roland 'vintage synth' module. There are a bunch of other modules like 'string ensemble' and 'orchestra', and 'bass and drums' but that vintage synth one is the most fun, a total toy. It is actually Archer's.

Forget the hot dogs. Bring on the fries....

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