What Has Annoyed You Recently?

tmidgett wrote:
Bradley R. Weissenberger wrote:
Linus Van Pelt wrote:Lousy drivers. Two northbound lanes, the right lane is closed ahead. There's a long line of cars in the left lane, and no cars in the right lane. There is one of those big flashing arrow in the right lane, where it's closed, pointing left. There is a "lane ends" sign on the side of the road. You know the situation. I'm in the left lane, and some fucking cockforbrains goes cruising by in the right lane, gets up to where the lane ends, puts on his left signal, and some other fucking dunce (the real culprit in the situation, you might say), lets this dickhole in. Argh.

Sitting in the left lane is not only dumb and selfish, but it is also dangerous. Making people pass you on your right is dangerous.

If you drive your car in the left lane, then you are an ignorant asshole. This is your lesson for the day.

brad! really? read this post carefully! do you mean to say, when the lane is closing, you should not queue up like a reasonable person, but instead drive the very tit's-nipple end of the lane to be closed, and make a blockage there, where you nose into the single lane at the last possible inch? i think this is a bad thing to do! and people do it all the time!


I have taken Linus Van Pelt's specific "lousy driving" post and "run with it"!

I understand the specific "lousy driving" example! I understand the need for this "driving etiquette" in "road work" areas! I understand need not to be "nosy prick"!

But I am more concerned with the "left laner"!

Tim, all things being equal, I will take the aggressive "nudger" over the ignorant left lane cruiser. This is my take on things!

Tim, this "left laner", he is the more pervasive "thoughtless douschebag"!

Fuck him!

But they both suck!

What Has Annoyed You Recently?

tmidgett wrote:
Bradley R. Weissenberger wrote:
Linus Van Pelt wrote:Lousy drivers. Two northbound lanes, the right lane is closed ahead. There's a long line of cars in the left lane, and no cars in the right lane. There is one of those big flashing arrow in the right lane, where it's closed, pointing left. There is a "lane ends" sign on the side of the road. You know the situation. I'm in the left lane, and some fucking cockforbrains goes cruising by in the right lane, gets up to where the lane ends, puts on his left signal, and some other fucking dunce (the real culprit in the situation, you might say), lets this dickhole in. Argh.

Sitting in the left lane is not only dumb and selfish, but it is also dangerous. Making people pass you on your right is dangerous.

If you drive your car in the left lane, then you are an ignorant asshole. This is your lesson for the day.

brad! really? read this post carefully! do you mean to say, when the lane is closing, you should not queue up like a reasonable person, but instead drive the very tit's-nipple end of the lane to be closed, and make a blockage there, where you nose into the single lane at the last possible inch? i think this is a bad thing to do! and people do it all the time!

This is a tricky one because sometimes the queue gets so backed up that people go off to the right without seeing the "drive of shame" they'll have to make to get to the merge. I'm thinking that it might actually be better for everyone to just space out in the left and right lanes and merge at the merge point.

Same thing with merging onto the expressway in rush hour. The one guy that tries to merge immediately without driving the whole lane does a disservice in spite of their better intentions.

In retrospect, I should have stepped off the stage and utter-kicked Mrs. O'Leary's cow.


What Has Annoyed You Recently?

Until those pipe bomb instructions show up in the mail, I will continue to be driven nearly mad by the team of complete morons who live in the low-income housing building across the street from me. Never mind that the people in this "low income housing" building across the street have a very nice building, a sclupted little outdoor courtyard, underground parking, etc. and drive brand new Acuras. We'll chalk that up to the ignorance and stupidity of the people defining "low income" as "I shit out a pile of kids and blew all my money on a new car and my ass is now broke". That is not really what annoys me.

What annoys me is that their goddamn kids are running around in the streets, ceaselessly bouncing a basketball even though there is no hoop in sight and just standing around on the sidewalk yelling at each other until 11 pm EVERY NIGHT. I want to skin them all alive. Also, they blare horrifically terrible rap music out of their apartment windows with the speakers facing out so they can hear it outside, my car got broken into for the first time ever living in Seattle the month I moved in next to them and they taunt my dog through the hedge. I see no reason for them to keep living on my planet. Granted, this really boils down to their complete lack of parental guidance. The parents are guilty of the following crimes:

1. Allowing their kids to commit the crimes listed above.
2. When they decide it's time for the kids to come home, they literally stick their head out of the window and yell for the kids who are three floors below and a block away. When my dog barks at them for being such idiots, they yell at my dog to quit barking. At this point, I egg my dog on to get him to continue.
3. They stand around with five other people staring at one guy who is trying for the fourth night in a row to fix a broke ass 80's Cadillac which they keep jump starting and which won't keep running after the engine first catches. After the first night, it was all I could do to not scream "It's the fucking alternator you worthless sacks of shit! Just pay somebody with half a brain to fix it!" at them.

This is what is annoying me.


What Has Annoyed You Recently?

tmidgett wrote:
Bradley R. Weissenberger wrote:
Linus Van Pelt wrote:Lousy drivers. Two northbound lanes, the right lane is closed ahead. There's a long line of cars in the left lane, and no cars in the right lane. There is one of those big flashing arrow in the right lane, where it's closed, pointing left. There is a "lane ends" sign on the side of the road. You know the situation. I'm in the left lane, and some fucking cockforbrains goes cruising by in the right lane, gets up to where the lane ends, puts on his left signal, and some other fucking dunce (the real culprit in the situation, you might say), lets this dickhole in. Argh.

Sitting in the left lane is not only dumb and selfish, but it is also dangerous. Making people pass you on your right is dangerous.

If you drive your car in the left lane, then you are an ignorant asshole. This is your lesson for the day.

brad! really? read this post carefully! do you mean to say, when the lane is closing, you should not queue up like a reasonable person, but instead drive the very tit's-nipple end of the lane to be closed, and make a blockage there, where you nose into the single lane at the last possible inch? i think this is a bad thing to do! and people do it all the time!

Thank you.

I expect either I didn't word it very well, or Bradley didn't read it very carefully (or both).

EDIT: I started this before BRW's response to tmidgett was in, so it's not in reaction to that. /EDIT

To clarify for Bradley: In this case, traffic is backed up in the left lane. The traffic is backed up from the point where the right lane closes all the way back to where I'm sitting. I could pull into the right lane, breeze past all those poor suckers, and then barge in at the spot where the lane ends, as tmidgett describes, thus saving myself valuable minutes, or I could take my turn like a grown-up. Also to clarify, I am driving in the left lane not only because the right lane is closed ahead, but because it is not the highway and I plan to turn left. I believe on a non-highway road, the left lane is the appropriate lane to be in if you are planning on turning left. Opinions on this may differ, I suppose.

I agree completely with Drive Right, Pass Left, but I think it only applies on the highway.

And I'm not sure why a photo of George Bush speaking means I'm wrong to expect people to oppose him, or consider Green Day boring or annoying, or whatever. If the Green Day video keeps somebody out of the army, I consider that a Good Thing. That person is officially an idiot, letting Green Day make life-or-death decisions for him, but it is still better than the idiocy of letting George Bush make life-or-death decisions for him. And yet, in spite of this indisputably Good Thing coming directly from Green Day, Green Day remains exactly as boring and annoying as they ever were.

Bradley R. Weissenberger wrote:I was also unaware that Chris Rock handed down the rules. I stand corrected!

Make a note of it!
Last edited by Linus Van Pelt_Archive on Fri Aug 26, 2005 11:25 am, edited 2 times in total.
Why do you make it so scary to post here.

What Has Annoyed You Recently?

Dan, I feel your pain.

I'm glad someone else started this thread cuz I was thinking about it the other day.

Here's my list:

1) Great songs blocked by my brain because everything now just REEKS of pure, unadulterated commercialism. Take, for instance, that new Death Cab song about "death" (it sounds kinda like Si and Gar.....I don't remember it's actual name). Anyway, it's a great song recorded and performed very well but I can't enjoy it cuz it seems like a Volkswagen commercial or some other marketable product to the "Death Cab Demographic".

2) Gripe #1 is also starting to drag decent Modest Mouse songs with it. Keep in mind that I don't even own a single Death Cab or Modest Mouse recording. I do recognize a talent there but I'm now to the point that the talent doesn't really mean anything. Fuck....Avril Lavigne has talent......

3) Thugs and the "thug-mentality". (This includes ebonics and the celebration of ignorance). I can't believe that these dudes are even walking the streets? Pull up your pants, you fucking idiot!! I'm considering a concealed weapons permit.

Thats it for now.

What Has Annoyed You Recently?

bfields wrote:
tmidgett wrote:
Bradley R. Weissenberger wrote:
Linus Van Pelt wrote:Lousy drivers. Two northbound lanes, the right lane is closed ahead. There's a long line of cars in the left lane, and no cars in the right lane. There is one of those big flashing arrow in the right lane, where it's closed, pointing left. There is a "lane ends" sign on the side of the road. You know the situation. I'm in the left lane, and some fucking cockforbrains goes cruising by in the right lane, gets up to where the lane ends, puts on his left signal, and some other fucking dunce (the real culprit in the situation, you might say), lets this dickhole in. Argh.

Sitting in the left lane is not only dumb and selfish, but it is also dangerous. Making people pass you on your right is dangerous.

If you drive your car in the left lane, then you are an ignorant asshole. This is your lesson for the day.

brad! really? read this post carefully! do you mean to say, when the lane is closing, you should not queue up like a reasonable person, but instead drive the very tit's-nipple end of the lane to be closed, and make a blockage there, where you nose into the single lane at the last possible inch? i think this is a bad thing to do! and people do it all the time!

This is a tricky one because sometimes the queue gets so backed up that people go off to the right without seeing the "drive of shame" they'll have to make to get to the merge. I'm thinking that it might actually be better for everyone to just space out in the left and right lanes and merge at the merge point.

Same thing with merging onto the expressway in rush hour. The one guy that tries to merge immediately without driving the whole lane does a disservice in spite of their better intentions.


agreed! there is no sense in people trying to cram into one lane, be it left or right, if there is such a volume of traffic that the resulting congestion will fuck traffic all around...

the thing that is *truly* irritating is when the lane is queued up, and the next lane over isn't even a lane, it's a goddamn on-ramp... and some cockmaster decides he deserves to leave the expressway, hop onto the on-ramp as though he was actually entering the expessway, and then drive as far as he possibly can in the on-ramp until the very end of the merge area, essentially telling any number of drivers (sometimes like 50 cars worth), "hey buddy, fuck you! i am more important than all of you and i don't need to wait in line with all the rest of you assholes!"

i used to drive the outbound kennedy every morning for work, and there's a point where the left lane has a merge area, an on-ramp that merges in on the left, from the express lanes. well in the morning, the express lanes are eastbound, not westbound, so that ramp is closed. and motherfuckers would get onto that merge lane and drive all the way up to the end... well i would never, NEVER let them in, under any circumstance. and this was back when i had my '92 blazer, which was nice and beat up. one time some shitbag is trying to merge in, and giving me the "i'm gonna drift over until you finally get the fuck out of my way and let me in" routine. which i do all the time, but only where i am following the proper rules of driving, not cheating like this. so he's drifting right, coming right toward me. and i just kept on going dead straight, leaving only about 1' between the car in front of me and my truck. we were probably only going 20 or 30 mph or something. eventually the merge lane started to disappear completely, and he realized he was never gonna get in front of me. he honked and may have given me the finger, i forget. but hey, FUCK YOU, GUY! YOU ARE THE ASSNUTS!!

that's one thing i miss about not having my blazer anymore... that thing was so beat up, i half *wanted* people to drive into me in situations like that! it is a law that you have to let people merge, that you have to avoid accidents where possible. but i think i would be able to compromise my integrity and perjure myself for this prick, and simply say i had no idea he was there and why would i, since there's no possible way a car could be merging in on that ramp that was closed. fuck those guys.

right up there with the guy that bypasses rush hour traffic by driving all fast on the shoulder. GGRRRRRRRR!
LVP wrote:If, say, 10% of lions tried to kill gazelles, compared with 10% of savannah animals in general, I think that gazelle would be a lousy racist jerk.

What Has Annoyed You Recently?

Bradley R. Weissenberger wrote:Sitting in the left lane is not only dumb and selfish, but it is also dangerous. Making people pass you on your right is dangerous.

If you drive your car in the left lane, then you are an ignorant asshole. This is your lesson for the day.


Are you to say that driving the speed limit (or faster) in the left lane is dumb and selfish? Or merely driving slow, forcing the right lane pass?

What if the speed limit on a four-lane N/S local highway is 65 mph, and everyone in the right lane drives 55 mph, and it is a Saturday and there is a decent amount of traffic on the road - mebbe 10 car lengths ave. distance between them?

What if one were running late to, say, pick up The Lady?

Are you saying that by attempting to drive in the right lane by signalling and changing lanes repeatedly and frequently (calculated yet ultimately swerving between lanes) one is less of an asshole than if one just drove in the left hand lane at the speed limit of 65mph?

What if, indeed, you are not an ignorant asshole, and you are driving in the left lane?

XO XO curious,

It's like you put everything into a bottle inside itself.

What Has Annoyed You Recently?

Linus Van Pelt wrote:I'm not sure why a photo of George Bush speaking means I'm wrong to expect people to oppose him.

You can expect that all you wish, but people don't oppose him.

You see, George Bush gets to use his forum to promote his criminal agenda. He can, at whim, travel to Utah and Idaho, set up his podium in front of the "troops", and then prattle on about the war on terrorism -- which, of course, is being fought by young folks who were brought into the armed forces by de facto conscription.

On the other hand, Green Day, this little band from Bay Area, works hard, gets famous, and chooses to use whatever forum that they have developed to speak out against American politics by crafting this fairly poignant, if somewhat ham-fisted, anti-war rock music video. They say, "Hey, wtf. This is crazy thing to join the armed forces. Why would you do this thing?" And the song, wtf, she is okay song!

Bottom line: Why this Green Day video gets singled out as particularly annoying or boring is lost on me, particularly in a world where "ESPN Hollywood" exists and Ben Affleck still makes "career choices".

And just so I'm clear, the "given" is that people are expected to oppose George Bush. Therefore, people will receive no credit for actually expressing their opposition. In addition, people may only express this opposition in a way that you, as the sole arbiter, find exciting and non-annoying. Furthermore, if this expression of opposition positively influences a young "idiot", the merit of this expression will be completely discounted, as will the young "idiot".

This is how I follow the logic. Next stop! Charmsville!

Salut, Green Day! Your first major hit song discussed the merits of masturbation!

Linus Van Pelt wrote:Green Day remains exactly as boring and annoying as they ever were.

We have identified the core issue:

You do not care for Green Day.

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