
You'll go blind!
Total votes: 2 (5%)
It's just me and my computer...
Total votes: 39 (95%)
Total votes: 41


rachael wrote:
neur0vanity wrote:A woman's perspective here....

Women are fucking crazy. We're all goddamn insane, and I feel so bad that you guys aren't gay because it's all a travesty. If you're in a solid relationship with a woman, it's even worse. I pity you.

In a nutshell...

If a woman sees in another woman something she admires or wants to be (be it physical or in terms of personality), she will silently latch onto the individual and record every movement and then lash out in an attempt to destroy said individual. She will often succeed.

It's absolutely disgusting. Half the time, I'm embarassed to be a part of the female species (the other half of the time is when dudes are paying my rent and/or buying me drinks... then I love having tits).

Do any of the other females on this forum want to put in an opinion?

Hey Walter! Since when did your wife start posting here? Welcome, Mrs. Walted Maller.

There is always more room around here for people of your "caliber."

Please post more! We need you, I need you! I mean that in the least weird and internety freako way

Popular Mechanics Report of 9-11

NIST Investigation of the World Trade Center Disaster


this whole "women is crazy" thing, which surfaced in other threads too (sometimes in a nastier way) is BS, pure and simple. guys are crazy too. yeah, sometimes when women are upset, they cry. and sometimes when guys are upset, they beat a girl black and blue. i mean look at the violence in the world and look at who's doing it. look at the government, the military, the corporations, look at who rapes who across the world, its men behind the trigger everywhere and i'm not saying that women are saints or innocent, women can be real jerks -- but men definitely are violent, and violence is a much more pernicious form of crazy than eating disorders or spreading nasty rumors or cutting yourself.

i know that i for one, get angry/frustrated/irritable over nothing constantly, i guess its just my male hormones and that's stupid. we got hormone problems too. i get constant mood swings. they drive me nuts.


Its 11:30 on a friday night... NOT CRAP

just kidding. CRAP. It makes you go bald. I've done it since before it was a fruitive act for me. It has made me antisocial (see above), neurotic and vain. Also while i smell bad the next day, i feel pathetic immediately.
Next poll: Ass Beads

Also, I have no problem with female masturbation. In fact, I might even say I strongly approve.
fuck it... The funniest tshirts anywhere. Jokes you can wear! Mens and womens sizes available.


It always makes me laugh when people say they have found the answer to the problems associated with sexual activity - Abstinence! Oh wow! What a novel idea!

Nearly all adult humans have masturbated at some point or another in their lives. Many that say they never have are embarrassed and very well may be lying.

If you believe in abstinence without masturbation, fine. But for most sane people, abstinence subliminally means masturbation. Humans are encoded from birth to have a drive to genetically reproduce. It's not that different than having a drive to eat or sleep. It satisfies a basic and primal need.

I think masturbation is a healthy and wise way to deal with sexual frustration. It pleases the subject without putting them at risk for pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, etc. It's loads better than unprotected sex, which leads to seeing mothers pushing around baby carriages before they have even finished providing for their own future, by means of high school, college, stables jobs, etc.

Just do it in private. Sorry to offend conservative mindsets, bu it's like going no. 3 in the bathroom, that's all.

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