so it's all the buzz this week, huh? i'm mostly hearing people talk about how it's not as heavy or as "thrash" as they were anticipating. hrm.
and *finally* something to support my theory that the verse riff from that last foo fighters single (y'know "DONE! DONE! AND I'M ON TO THE NEXT ONE!", that song) was nearly identical to a riff from Voivod's "the unknown knowns"... the probot webisite is, without question, put together by michel langevin (aka Away) from voivod. that 'font' and the artwork are unmistakable. dave grohl so wants to marry him.
and *why* on the probot site, in the bio for Wino, do they talk about all of his older bands, but then make no mention of his current band, the Hidden Hand? other than the link to the Hidden Hand website? no comprendo. just saw them last weekend and they were as awesome as ever. (and the headliner, Darkest Hour, was *very* metal, kinda like a new take on what Death was doing circa Human. very heavy, super tight, and quite awesome. but i digress.)
yeah, probot. anybody heard it yet and have an opinion? good? heavy? "thrash"? crap?
4I think it's quite histerical. Dave Grohl is pretty darn amazing. It expresses a new level of his talent to those scheptical musicians who (obvioulsy not being there) thought he stunk.
Definitely a fun idea.
Definitely a fun idea.
Chris Hardings
More implosion lest I need, no wait, karowack need imposter
A Strange Film - Rence or Ramos (ignore)
More implosion lest I need, no wait, karowack need imposter
A Strange Film - Rence or Ramos (ignore)
5At first, I was pissed off at this new Probot album, only because I preordered the LP from Southern Lord, and it took more than four days to get here (I'm a mail order bitch, folks...I live in Maine).
Listening to it....I've decided I like it very much. I put it on now.
Listening to it....I've decided I like it very much. I put it on now.
But I digress. Please continue with the squirrel circuit semantic debate.
6egad! how could anyone thinkdave grohl isn't a skilled musician? seems like he's thoroughly demonstrated his abilities to play drums, play guitar, and sing. and shout. how could anyone miss that? whether or not i like what he does and how he does it, i can't see how i could dispute his musicianship...
so it sounds like probot is worth a listen then?
so it sounds like probot is worth a listen then?