by themajormiller_Archive
Day by day, I spend more time talking to you fools than I do "real" "people".
I've met Russ, Steve, Intern 80xx and michaeltheangryrussian face to face. Don is good friends with a good friend of mine, so he's "real", too.
"Real" or "fake", I love you all terribly and it's terrible that I love you.
EA > "real life"
Vince Clortho = retaliation $& beard;
[img]DefinitelyNOTtheSWEDE = retaliation $& text = "no ceramics in the signal path, mate, only plastic film" endline; SUB $&01001110; BNE $&01000011; JMP $&00011101;Err $&D0256FA2;