
i had this done several years ago by a female friend. i had no negative results from it, but that's not to say i would do it again. before, after, and during i thought it was abit strange, and recall it taking an hour or so for my ears to readjust /settle. it did accumulate a surprising amount of wax though.
proceed with caution.


A few years ago I was having problems with one ear after it did not un-pop after a flight. I did the ear candle thing with little or no results. I ended going to a doctor who sent me to a specialist. I have a feeling that guy had his biggest laugh of the day when I told him about my hippy ear candle I bought from Whole Foods. "Bunk" I think was the term he used. He was an older gentleman.


doyoulikeworms? wrote:has anyone on here done an ear-candling session.
I'm getting ready to go thru my first one.
just wondering what some peoples experience of it might be.
and what they thought afterward.

I use that liquid shit that you get from the drug store. It feels pretty strange but works well.


Tom wrote:
doyoulikeworms? wrote:has anyone on here done an ear-candling session.
I'm getting ready to go thru my first one.
just wondering what some peoples experience of it might be.
and what they thought afterward.

I use that liquid shit that you get from the drug store. It feels pretty strange but works well.

Save cash and buy a $0.50 bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide. In my experience, it works better than all the more expensive liquid crap available.

Just put a few drops in your ear for a few minutes, enjoy the crazy bubbling noises, and then tip it out. Repeat twice a day for about two days, and you'll have an eardrum off which you could eat your dinner.


you should dilute the peroxide one to one with water. i've read a few threads on this topic over at the tapeop message board, and the general consensus is that the candles don't function too well and are much more potentially dangerous than peroxide or any of the many liquid treatments you can find at drugstores.


ear candles are bullshit

the wax comes from the candle thing, not your ear

try burning one in the open air, far from your ear, if you've ever done it before and thought it worked

you will open it and see the same shit as you did when you did it 'for reals'

i fell for this long ago, btw, so i'm not bein' all high and mighty

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