I wrote:
Here's who's on our side:Russ
Who else?
Who's on your side?:Jeremy Lemos
Brad W.
Bill Skibbe
Tim Midgett
Brian Orchard
Lindsey Geannopulos
Ryan Rezvani
Who else?
Bradley R. Weissenberger wrote:Please add Brian Orchard, Lindsey Geannopulos and Ryan Rezvani to the UnElectricals.
Bradley R. Weissenberger wrote:I'll stay on topic with strike zones and baserunning. If we insist on having no strike zones while introducing the element of baserunning, perhaps we might find other ways to "spice up" our little game as well. I submit that we remove the bat as the instrument of offense, and instead provide to each batsman a unicycle and a bowl of pancake batter -- we'll see how the game plays out from there, and we can simply make up rule changes as the game goes along. I also propose adding the swim relay, pole vault and log roll to the game. Let us not fail to include the swimmers, track and field athletes and woodsmen who might not otherwise fully enjoy our game.
As a former all-state breast stroker, I'll captain that damn swimming relay! Bring it on, bitches!
For the rules, you really should consult Greg because he and his brother(s) used to head up the neighborhood wiffle ball games. But, again, here's my suggestion:
- Wheelchair park - checked it out, it's perfect as long as there isn't too much wind.
Baserunning - Yes. People have already told me that they won't play if there isn't any baserunning. It's a major part of the fun for a lot of people. Me, I'd just like to hit the ball and make it to base.
Strikezone - Yes. But maybe 6 balls instead of 4. But 3 strikes, you're out.
Rules - there should be no problem with writing up a set of rules that we can all agree upon prior to a game. Any volunteers?
Listen, just because the White Sox won two games in a row, you don't have to go around and bein' all cocky an' shit. Damn!