
the january 2004 issue of the journal of larygology & otology (published by the royal society of medicine) contains a short article on ear candles, titled "ear candles: a triumph of ignorance over science".

"There are no data to suggest that it is effective for any condition. Furthermore, ear candles have been associated with ear injuries. The inescapable conclusion is that ear candles do more harm than good. Their use should be discouraged."




Hiwatt wrote:

This works. You can get it at Walgreen's.

That thing scares me more than the thought of sticking a q-tips in my ear. Have you ever used it?

I have a fear of things being stuck in my ear since my friend (at the age of 6 or so) ran around a store with those little plastic He-Man figure swords sticking out of both ears. He thought this was the greatest thing ever, until his ear connected with the thigh of an adult shopper, sending the He-Man sword straight through his eardrum. Ruined his hearing in that ear, and the thoughts of it scarred me for life, I tells ya.

Of course nowadays, I'm sure he'd sue Mattel, the store and Castle Grayskull for damages.


I've recently done a lot of research on this subject after having a terrible ear infection in which my ear drum ruptured (its okay now).

Murine, or generic drops are the thing to use to remove wax that is affecting your hearing. This just means you have wax on your ear drum, which is dampening it like when a drummer puts tape on his drums. The murine will loosen it up and get it to fall out.

Ear candles or coning might work, but murine works better and is safer, so just do that.

If you use murine, and it doesn't work, it's probably because you have some other problem besides ear wax. You might have excess fluid in the middle ear which is up against the ear drum causing it to be dampened. There's a variety of other problems which can cause this sort of mild hearing loss.

For those of you in new york with no health insurance, there is an ear nose and throat specialty clinic on 14th street that charges $97 a visit.


stewie wrote:
Hiwatt wrote:

This works. You can get it at Walgreen's.

That thing scares me more than the thought of sticking a q-tips in my ear. Have you ever used it?

I have a fear of things being stuck in my ear since my friend (at the age of 6 or so) ran around a store with those little plastic He-Man figure swords sticking out of both ears. He thought this was the greatest thing ever, until his ear connected with the thigh of an adult shopper, sending the He-Man sword straight through his eardrum. Ruined his hearing in that ear, and the thoughts of it scarred me for life, I tells ya.

Of course nowadays, I'm sure he'd sue Mattel, the store and Castle Grayskull for damages.

Yes I use it. The design is such that it cannot reach yer eardrum. I do not know how I was living without it.
I <3 meat hod.


doyoulikeworms? wrote:I decided to hold off on the coning thing for a bit. so I went to Walgreens and picked up some Debrox, but I haven't used it yet. Im a bit paranoid when it comes to my ears. I don't use q-tips and avoid headphones for that matter.

Does anyone here like Debrox or should I use something else?
Thanks for your replies.

Ear coming does not work. So yeah, holdoff on it-forever.
I <3 meat hod.

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