Benny wrote:bumping this thread.
i have a friend that is going to the usa soon and i want to ask him to buy a distortion pedal to me.
i want something versatile (lots of gain, but not 'metal' gain) and high-quality, plan to spent about 100-150.
my choices for now are into a visual sound jekyll and hyde (which i havent tried but i heard good reviews, specially here) or a tech 12xxl (i tried this one and is awesome). any other suggestions?
i play a 335 copy with upgraded pups and a fender tele.
Seeing as I use pretty much the same gutiars as you, allow me to make a suggestion.
Get 2 gain pedals. You use a valve (tube) amp right? Get a boost pedal (MXR Microamp, EHX LPB1 etc) and an overdrive/distortion of some sort. I like ProCo Rats, but I've also had good sounds using the Boss SD-1 and the Ibanez SD9 Sonic Distortion.
Hope this helps.