Black Flag Crooner?

Total votes: 11 (22%)
Total votes: 9 (18%)
Total votes: 13 (26%)
That other guy
Total votes: 17 (34%)
Total votes: 50

Best Black Flag Vocalist

Ron was real good..I can't believe no one even mentioned him.
That being said, it is a toss up between Dez and Henry.
Dez had the voice that was copied. Plus he was one of the first punker types to grow out his hair and say "fuck it", which was really cool back in 1982.
I know everyone has to hate Henry but he is just fine on "Damaged" especially side two. I was with him throughout "My War" and "Slip It IN"
His personality seemed to change as the material got worse. I never thought he was a "jock" or whatever. If people hate the guy that sang on "Damaged" going on that performance alone, its probably a case of revisionist history. How many people were doing that in 1981? Exactly.

I am betting that my last comment is going to open the floodgates.

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