say something nasty about a band you like

Greg Dulli (of Afghan Whigs/Twilight Singers) - You are a fat fuck. Seriously. Not chubby, or a "big guy". U R Fat.

And to make matters worse, you continue to use photos of yourself when you weren't...SO fat, trying to hide the fact that you are, in fact, FAT.

Recently used photo (actually from 97):

Actual size ('05):

I still love you, just be honest.
Christopher_Dragon wrote:Take all the Rod Stewart songs ever written and combine them and they would not provide me with a fraction of the joy I get from watching Ric Flair put someone in a figure four leg lock.

say something nasty about a band you like

Mr syntax. I think you may be posting in the wrong topic. I don't suppose you know the guy who played keyboards for Fugazi do you? No scratch that, i think i'm now posting in the incorrect topic.

Something nasty about a band i like eh?

Well, Spacemen 3. Drone, droney, drone, drone. Yes we get it. Well done. How utterly repetative and boring of you.

As you were.
You're a shit DM and i want my pizza money back.

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