Microphone use in Donnie Darko

Ok, I just saw Donnie Darko. There was this one scene where someone is talking into a microphone that I'm 98% sure was a SM58 beta A. This movie takes place in 1988. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the blue strip Beta A series didn't come around until the Mid-90's, right?

This really pisses me off. Not just with microphones, but when someone makes a movie, goes out of there way to let you know it takes place in a specific time and doesn't follow through on it. Unless I'm wrong about the Beta A's coming out in the 90s. Then I'm a fucking tool.


Microphone use in Donnie Darko

martin wrote:Come on man, it's just a microphone! In a movie! Who cares?! Did you check if their jeans (or whatever) were authentic too?

Just a microphone?
In a movie?

I swear to god... after seeing that "movie"... I'm swearing off them completely. If those movie making fat cat's can't get their shit straight, Then they don't deserve my 6 dollars.

Nah... I thought it was annoying, but a lot of things in the movie were.
BUT with respect to the Jean, I didn't notice. If I was watching a movie that was suppose to take place in the 50's and they were wearing acid washed jeans, I'd be a little annoyed.
Last edited by Tom_Archive on Thu Mar 04, 2004 2:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Microphone use in Donnie Darko

I'm not sure about the actual make of the mic used... but it sure was funny how it came into many of the shots like a phallic symbol. Some shots would just be someones head, with a person talking. Then the mic would come from overhead and down into the shot. Funny stuff.

Almost as funny as the kiddy porn dungeon stuff with Patrick Swayze... what a douche.
I could have been a contender...

Microphone use in Donnie Darko

this contains spoilers, so if you haven't seen the movie but are gonna, STOP READING NOW

the worst thing about that movie, in my opinion, is that it wasn't actually worked out. there were things that didn't make a lick of sense. its take on non-linear time was retarded. even the concept of him having to decide between going back in time and none of it ever happening, but then he dies from being there when the engine hits, or NOT going back in time, and then the whole universe is destroyed? where's the fucking decision? that's a no-brainer, isn't it? either i die, or everything dies? kinda lame, i thought. one thing that's *i guess* in its favor is that when he undoes everything and goes back and dies, that means that swayze is still at large and undiscovered. so at least him going back doesn't solve any problems. just ensures that the universe isn't destroyed. um, wheee!

the movie *seemed* to have such depth to it, and i was hoping the bonus features on the DVD would give some insight into everything (i.e. the details of what's supposed to be in the book, and the director's commentary)... the insight was "um, yeah, i dunno". the fucking director's saying "yeah, i kinda left it open to interpretation. i'm not really sure how this movie really works out, exactly" or something along those lines. the stuff in the book was worthless. so that was pretty annoying.

in some ways, i liked the movie, a lot. it had a fucking great tone to it. very moody. cool acting, and a mostly cool story. great in a lot of respects. but *critically flawed*, in the most annoying way. man was i pissed after that ending. don't fucking take me 90% of the way there and then cop out. it's worse than making a movie that's 100% dog, for me anyways.

Microphone use in Donnie Darko

Well, I rather liked the movie. I haven't seen it in a while, but my take was a little different. I didn't think it was really about time travel in a conventional sense. I thought that the bulk of the events in the movie took place in the fraction of a second while the engine is crashing through the roof. If you think about it like that, then everything jives a little better. Its more about the relativity of time I think and that the action is actually taking place 'in his mind' so to speak. I dunno, like I said, I haven't watched it in a while.

Microphone use in Donnie Darko

I also really liked the movie. I thought the idea of "the end of the universe" wasn't literally the end of the universe, just the end of his universe. There's a moment he realizes this and gives an ironic little grin/grimace. So it delves into the philosophy of time travel, where so many factors affect each thing that even if you change one thing, everything else (the universe, if you will) will compensate for it and the event will occur anyway. Like if you went back in time and assassinated Hitler, another person would probably fill the role eventually because of the zeitgeist and so forth.

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