What Band Are You In?

same wrote:wow, you guys are in replicator?

guilty as charged.

same wrote:my friend jason gave a copy of a replicator ep to the station i'm the engineer of, http://www.wmtu.mtu.edu. it got quite a bit of airplay for a while. good stuff.

Oh yeah! Nice, yeah WMTU seems like a great station, Brad Koski is on the NR list too, he DJs there right? Nice fellow, excellent taste in music.

Our new album is coming out in a few weeks, WMTU is on the list to get a copy for sure.


What Band Are You In?

I play bass in a band from Louisville, KY called the ROYALTY. (http://theroyalty.louisvilleshowcase.com/ OR http://www.hxcmp3.com/bands/6031/ ....for a sample of some recent, yet-to-be-mixed/mastered recordings)

Also play guitar in a band called Coliseum.

Used to play guitar in Haywire Act, and Blue Collar Revenge Theory.
It's called a DIABLO Martini, because it gives you a devil of a good time............GOULET!

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