Today s (in-)Active Lifestyles

copenhagen is the only thing the old timers really use, it is stronger and much more addictive. it only comes in tobacco flavor but a few years ago they started making some with "bourbon flavor". when i was a kid, the cool thing to do was to pour a bottlecap of jack daniels into your snuff. the american stuff has ground up fiberglass in it so that it makes tiny cuts in the inner lip, allowing the shit to get in the bloodstream more effectively.
i remember the little cans of snorting snuff, also. someone would always bring one to school and we'd pass it around in the bathroom. nasty burning shit.

Today s (in-)Active Lifestyles

i lost like 60 pounds by:

* walking instead of driving
* trimming my pbr consumption by 2/3rds (2-3 beers a night instead of 6-9,
weekends not included)
* eating a protein bar for breakfast, a protein bar for lunch, whatever i
wanted for dinner

i've put some of it back on over the last two years, but i'm still at 180 instead of 225... and now that i'm still walking/biking everywhere, some of that weight is muscle instead of fat. of course, some of it is three floyd's alpha king.

good luck.
silver wonder

Today s (in-)Active Lifestyles

A friend of mine and I both have lost a lot of weight on the "Japan Diet". How it works:
Eat breakfast in Japan, lunch in Japan, and a sensible dinner. Watch the weight fly off!

Seriously, though, when I was there, I had no car. It was all trains, walking, and biking. And using the trains involved walking or biking to the station. I ate whatever I wanted, fast food almost every day, and I lost a bunch of weight. So yeah, I second the idea of going without your car, if you can. I'm too lazy to look up your location, but your latitude is about 15 degrees south of mine, so I'm guessing you'll be able to bike almost all year round.

Other ways I've found to get exercise:
Swift walking. Do it every day. Measure your distance and time. Try to average 4 mph. It's not that hard, but it is harder than it sounds, when you're trying to average that speed over 2 miles. Once that becomes easy, work up to higher speeds.
The gym. Specifically the Y. 45 minutes on an elliptical, and a little weights work.
Dance Dance Revolution. Yeah, go ahead and laugh, guys. It's a good workout when you don't want to leave the house.
And of course, biking. This is a good one because you don't need to make as much time for it. You just bike to wherever you would be going anyway. It's more fun, and you don't have to find a parking spot. The downside is that you have to leave a little earlier if you need to be there by a certain time. Also, maybe when you want to go back, you don't feel like riding a bike. T.S., Fatty!

Today s (in-)Active Lifestyles

When I lived in San Diego and Chicago, I didn't have a car; I walked everywhere. Now I live in Houston, this sprawling beast bitch metropolis. It's not a pedestrian friendly city at all. I only seem to walk to and from my car.

I'm convinced that if I could quit drinking and smoking that I'd be in much better shape. I'm thinking more about taking my wife's (and Tim's) advice and look into yoga classes. All about the trick-fucking. (It'll be safe this time though; I'm getting a vasectomy...)
Christopher_Dragon wrote:Take all the Rod Stewart songs ever written and combine them and they would not provide me with a fraction of the joy I get from watching Ric Flair put someone in a figure four leg lock.

Today s (in-)Active Lifestyles

hooray trick fucking.

you gotta give up the smokes. we both quit when my wife got pregnant. i even had asthma and used an inhaler almost daily. i haven't used one in a few years now, i don't even know if i have one. i used to not leave the house without one. plus i watched my grandfather die of emphysema, you don't want to put your kids through that. or maybe you do if you're funny that way. if you quit, do it cold. make cigarettes your enemy. i tried the patch the first time and it just prolonged it and gave me excuses to sneak smokes. when i made up my mind to quit, it was really easy. you will feel like ass for a few days, then you will feel really fucking good. i hate listening to reformed smokers, but it really is the best thing you can do. i'll be your support buddy!
oh, smoke your last cigarette with your butthole. it gives the whole smoking chapter of your life a good ending.

Today s (in-)Active Lifestyles

hench wrote:* walking instead of driving

This is the single most effective and practical way to lose weight and also keep healthy. I walk about 6 miles a day now, and I feel a lot healthier. I've lost 2 stones since deciding to walk.

I've also recently started going swimming and playing 5 a side football again (Americans may call this "5 a side soccer". To those Americans I say, "Fuck you, it's called football.").


Are you walking yet?
"Why stop now, just when I'm hating it?" - Marvin

Today s (in-)Active Lifestyles

I was reading your post and somebody came up and tapped me on the shoulder; "Hey, somebody brought Krispy Creme!" I stopped reading so I could scarf down a glazed-chocolate-sprinkled-fat-builder.

I'm been smoking so much for so long that it's hard for me to picture a Major without a cigarette.

Of course, I never thought I'd be married with two kids and it's great...
Christopher_Dragon wrote:Take all the Rod Stewart songs ever written and combine them and they would not provide me with a fraction of the joy I get from watching Ric Flair put someone in a figure four leg lock.

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