Name a way Bush can fuck up America even more than he has...

DJ_Statikfire wrote:I know of a way:

turn the country over to the other side, the ultra-left, we'd be just as screwed

The extreme left has never been a significant presence in this country's politics. The extreme right has had a pretty strong showing in the last 20 years.

It is telling that moderate views are now perceived as being "extreme." It is telling me we are fucked for a long time.
steve albini
Electrical Audio
sa at electrical dot com
Quicumque quattuor feles possidet insanus est.

Name a way Bush can fuck up America even more than he has...

steve wrote:It is telling me we are fucked for a long time.

Hope is on the horizon!


AmericaBlog wrote:The White House is hiding Karl Rove - they know something's coming...
by John in DC - 10/05/2005 03:36:00 PM

I just talked to a source who told me that Karl Rove has been missing from a number of recent White House presidential events - events that he has ALWAYS attended in the past. For example, Rove was absent from yesterday's presidential press conference to promote Harriet Miers. These are the kind of events Rove ALWAYS attends, I'm told, yet of late he's been MIA each and every time.

My source tells me that the scuttlebutt around town is that the White House knows something bad is coming, in terms of Karl getting indicted, and they're already trying to distance him from the president.

Oh, God, you've been so good to us lately. Please give us this one more.

Rove getting indicted would be just so, so nice!

Rove getting imprisoned, my heart, she cannot take pleasure this way!

Name a way Bush can fuck up America even more than he has...

steve wrote:It is telling that moderate views are now perceived as being "extreme." It is telling me we are fucked for a long time.

It is equally telling that concepts such as fair play, honesty, hard work, justice, compassion, environmental consciousness and economic sanity are perceived as "moderate" -- or even "liberal".

What does the right stand for? War? Murder? Imperialism? Vote fraud? Xenophobia? Mishandling of the economy? Environmental compromise?

But at least they're on message.

Name a way Bush can fuck up America even more than he has...

Bradley R. Weissenberger wrote:What does the right stand for? War? Murder? Imperialism? Vote fraud? Xenophobia? Mishandling of the economy? Environmental compromise?

...all masked as "fiscal restraint" and "less government". Have we ever had more of either in the last five years? I call bullshit.
Rick Reuben wrote:I was reading the Electrical Forum in my parents' basement when ...


Name a way Bush can fuck up America even more than he has...

steve wrote:
DJ_Statikfire wrote:I know of a way:

turn the country over to the other side, the ultra-left, we'd be just as screwed

The extreme left has never been a significant presence in this country's politics. The extreme right has had a pretty strong showing in the last 20 years.

It is telling that moderate views are now perceived as being "extreme." It is telling me we are fucked for a long time.

As far as i can tell...most social progress (new deal, civil rights, women's rights. etc.) has been made by popular struggle/grassroots pressure on concentrations of power (government, business). These popular struggles were surely categorized as the "extreme left" by the government/business sectors of the time.

It's more or less the media, who are parroting the interests of power via the propaganda model, that creates the illusion of control by the extreme right. A careful look at issues that really matter, shows that the democratic/republican parties are far to the right of the majority of the American public.

The common man are just not as organized as the super wealthy....which are about 1% of our population.
Last edited by nihil_Archive on Thu Oct 06, 2005 2:30 am, edited 2 times in total.

Name a way Bush can fuck up America even more than he has...

I really do feel sorry for you guys.

I was watching the TV the other day when Rita was about to hit. There was a shot of Bush in some command centre somewhere with "Bush takes control of Hurricane Effort", all I could think was, "That fuckin' god I don't living in Texas*"

* Although not living in Texas is something I've always been thankful for...

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