Paia tube mic pre phantom power AND tube half has died.

Yeah, I lost the original schematic, and the resolution on the online one is subpar, to say the least. Sorry for any eyestrain you incurred on my behalf.

The "floating" chunk of circuitry in the upper-right is a CD4049 and some electrolytic capacitors, acting as a voltage-tripler. It triples the +/- 15V coming out of the wall-wart and feeds it to the phantom power circuit and the 12AX7 plate. I replaced that IC, thinking it burned out, but no results.

My housemate, who's in Ireland, knows where the multimeter is; I'll wait for him to get back before I go further. If I'm getting +48V out of that part of the circuit, I'll just keep going forward until I figure out what's what.

I suspect a short or faulty electrolytics in the voltage-tripler circuit.

The two other ICs on the schematic are the op-amps that form the solid-state half of the mic pre-amp circuit; that part works just dandy. There's a potentiometer that blends the tube signal with the SS signal; there's no tube signal, because because there's no 48V on the plate. No 48V phantom power, either, and the LED that lights up with that part of the circuit doesn't function, either.

I'll report back after I make measurements in the next day or so. I'm doing this so the next person after me might learn from my numbskullery.

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