Putting band stickers on your car?

Total votes: 32 (57%)
Total votes: 24 (43%)
Total votes: 56

Act: Putting band stickers on your car

Peripatetic wrote:Another one that makes me want to kick my own ass is the ever popular "bullethole" sticker...


What goes through a person's head as they apply this to their car, shitty or not?

I especially like to see this sticker applied to the window. The window, made of glass. With a bullethole. The sticker, of the bullethole, that gets applied to the window, made of glass, does not look like this:

It looks like this:

On the window, made of glass. Superb!

Act: Putting band stickers on your car

You guys seen that shit thats half a tennis- or base ball suction cupped to the window with a cracked glass decal around it?

In my poor, nearly rural high school, I had a bunch of stickers on the back of my pickup truck (yes, pickup truck). Likely being the only person at my school that knew who Fugazi or Neurosis was, I think it was okay at that time and age. Now, I'd be a little embarrassed to have my entire back window plastered with band stickers.

Now I have 1 (one) small Fugazi sticker, and a bumper sticker that says "Nothing Sounds Like Tape" from ATR Magnetics.
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Act: Putting band stickers on your car

I think I got this idea from another thread here, but Calvin pissing on Dale's number 8 would be priceless.

There is actually a girl in my school who has this
on her Ford. It's a Juggalette sticker, not a Juggalo mind you, but a Juggalet. I have yet to muster up the balls to call her on it.
zom-zom wrote:Why do drummers insist on calling the little stools they sit on "thrones"? Kings of nothing.

Act: Putting band stickers on your car

Christopher wrote:I can definitely appreciate band stickers put in strange, unexpected places. I put one of my own band stickers on the outside of the Eiffel Tower, from the second floor. You'd need binoculars to even see it, but just knowing it's there cracks me up. I hear they paint it every few years or so...

Heh, I hear that. Some years back a friend's band had the opportunity to open for the Ramones, but they were broke asses and didn't have a van so I drove the WHOLE band (and equipment) to St. Petersburg so they wouldn't miss out. While there we were screwing around backstage and met the Ramones...and stickered up their equipment w/our band stickers. (It was already full of stickers.)

I was worried about it at the time...but I still laugh when I think that there's a video out there somewhere of that show with the Ramones playing on amps with "Nipple" stickers on them. I doubt they ever noticed.

Oh but as for cars...crap almost always. I'll admit to having one Black Flag "bars" oval on my (black) car. To my eye, it looks slick. But it's the only one that will ever be there.

I voted Crap.

Act: Putting band stickers on your car

Crap - isn't your band van already enough of a theft target without turding up the back to look like a rock club toilet? Stick to manly fare (flags and eagles and shit) and you'll be fine.

Our van's got a NoDak flag and will probably get a matching US flag for the other rear window. And then we're done until somebody gives us a nice POW/MIA sticker.

My wife did not listen to my counsel before slapping a "Proud Parent of a Doberman Pinscher" on her Hyundai but, Christ, it's a Hyundai. That's now a load-bearing sticker.


Act: Putting band stickers on your car

I think it is crap, as much as alumni plate holders...

How can you possibly enjoy the stickers while you are driving? This just smacks of "I want people to think I am cool because I like the Jesus and Mary Chain". It's always people who are into Radiohead and Jesus & Mary Chain and the Cure who have these stickers on the backs of their cars.

Alumni plate holders are just as bad. Why does everyone have to know you went to Dartmouth or De Vry? Does someone think that a limo may drive up along side them and ask for Grey Poupon?

Has anyone actually done that? Pulled up to a car and asked them if they had any Grey Poupon? I used to do that in high school... That is funny!

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