your sis

Total votes: 6 (25%)
not crap
Total votes: 18 (75%)
Total votes: 24

person: your sister

When I was a kid, my sister used to bribe me into going into town with her on a Saturday afternoon by buying me a Mr Man book when we were there. One day I didn’t want to go. She said she wouldn’t get me a book but I didn’t believe her. She didn’t get me a book. Very important lesson learnt that day.

My sister’s name is Joan. My name is John. I also had another sister who’s name was Janet, which was shortened to Jan.

My sister smokes too much, works too hard, takes shit off her son too much and spoils her daughter.

She’s also a white middle class businessman’s mistress. She’s happy that way.

My sister is not crap.

person: your sister

i love my sister. she is 15 months older than i am. she is a really wonderful person. she would pick fights with me when we were little, and then when i would get mad, she would cry and my mom would yell at me and make me apologize. WTF, sis?!?!?

she is one of the most hardworking people i know, working her ass off at multiple jobs to pay the mortgage on her house, and working her ass off at fixing up that house. it's taken many years, but i've come to accept her hardcore veganism as alright, though initially i found it quite irritating.

it really makes me sad to see how seriously affected she's been by the loss of one of her 3 best friends in this world, and certainly her best friend in the city of Chicago, Michael Dahlquist. it's because of her that i met him, and heard of and went to see the Silkworm. it's because of her that i've come to know the Chris Brokaw and the Matt Kadane.

she obviously has excellent taste in human beings, as these are 3 of the finest guys i will ever meet, guys in that very small pool of people who i find truly admirable for their art and moreso still for their character. i wouldn't know any of them if not for her. this is so weird to think about!

salut, sister! maybe you made me mad a lot when we were small, but you cut my crazy hair in highschool and bought christmas presents for my family and put my name on them for those years when i was dirt poor. you are very short, and you are a crazy dancer! you are so very sensitive! i love you, my seester!

person: your sister

My sister is a registered nurse who has traveled to Chile to assist doctors doing work with folks who live in grinding poverty there, and did so on her own dime. She's a great mom, has a great kid and her husband is a really good guy. She always makes time to listen to my brothers and myself when the craziness of our family gets intense. Her taste in music is a bit iffy, but she thought Bright Eyes was real lame when she saw him at the Move On.Org benefit last year, so big up to her for that. She's the least fucked-up person in my family, and a kind and forgiving soul. She is 200% not crap.

Salut, Martha!

person: your sister

my sis and I never got along ever. she actually taught the dog to attack me on command. she held me down and cut the tips of my fingers with a switchblade once for no reason.
She decided to join a street gang and start doing cocaine around 15.
She went to rehab and turned into a super conservative mom. She has 7 kids, and runs an animal shelter out of her house in missouri now.
I didn't talk to her for about 5 years or so then a few weeks back I was walking through the science and industry museum with my ladyfriend and I bump into my sis and one of her kids. we went out to eat and talked and now we are getting along.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

person: your sister

My sister and a are so much alike, it freaks everybody out who gets to know us. We are alike in demeanor, temperament, reason and physique. I think our "top 10 lists of records" would also be kind of the same. And yet we are not twins and I am actually three years older than she is. It could be the result of having to share one bedroom for three years when we where very small.

My sister raises a kid, almost on her own. She works and raises the kid, works and raises the kid, but she'll also find time to enjoy the glasses of whine, a neat buzz, or a Shellac concert.


Frederike's the coolest. I cannot imagine a better friend than my sister.

So there.
Last edited by sunlore_Archive on Tue Jul 24, 2007 4:06 am, edited 1 time in total.

person: your sister

My sister is a total sweetheart who has brought into this world the best niece and nephew a guy could ask for. She is an incredibly patient mother who treats her kids well but knows there's a line where that could become spoiling. My niece's middle name is my first name. My nephew shares a middle name with my brother. For that alone my sister gets a not crap. Her house is the family nexus where all get togethers, parties, visits, etc occur. She had the smarts to marry a man who works hard and still takes time to play with his children and treat his wife with respect. Growing up my sister never fell in with drinking/drugs crowd and that is awesome. At 31, my sister is going back to school to be a pharmacist...this after getting a degree in finance.

My sister has horrible taste in music and politicians. For this I must forgive her.

My sister is NOT CRAP.

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