Please tell me what Susan Lawly is all about?

I saw them in Bristol recently, it was a much anticipated gig for me. The previous show was cancelled because someone threatened to bomb the venue if the promoter went ahead with it, such is the strength of feeling they still evoke. This time, the old bill came round earlier to plead with the promoters not to go on with the show, telling them that Whitehouse were associated with far-right political parties, a nonsense that has dogged them from back in the early days.

The show was fantastic, they played to a small, mixed bunch of very normal, sane-looking electronica heads, a few curious and somewhat bemused metallers, some old-skool Industrial Records fanatics, and others. One very straight looking woman, whom I assumed to be a plain clothes policewoman, turned out to be Phillip Best's partner...

I was totally unprepared for the outrageously camp and homoerotic element in their live show, it doesn't come over on the records as much. I suddenly twigged their sense of humour.

Please tell me what Susan Lawly is all about?

ikilledfredmertz wrote:while we're on the subject of whitehouse, what are their best albums (or the best one to get first). I've heard Erector on soulseek and I was thinking about buying Great White Death

'great white death' is one of their best. i like their more recent stuff a bit more than their early (like, pre-1985) stuff. my other favorites are 'mummy and daddy', 'bird seed', 'thank your lucky stars' and 'quality time'. also, the (i believe) in-print version of 'twice is not enough' also contains the record 'never forget death' in its entirety. this is also very much worth picking up. in my opinion, whitehouse have not made a bad record, and they seem to keep getting better.

i hope this helps...

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