relationship: Marriage

Total votes: 18 (23%)
Total votes: 52 (66%)
dude, the bear would win over anything, even marriage
Total votes: 9 (11%)
Total votes: 79

relationship: marriage

i am personally pro marriage under extreme circumstances like an immutable, infallable supernatural attachment to one's partner. but not otherwise.

also, a wonderful excuse to party, and drink when underage with little to no reprocussion.

but i wanna hear what everyone else has to say -

steve is not married, correct? there must be a reason

fire away


relationship: marriage

As something to do because you're "supposed to" - CRAP
As something you do because you can't imagine life without that person - NOT CRAP
As a ritual designed to show everybody how much money you can blow - CRAP
As a special evening for friends and family, without spending tons - NOT CRAP
With any religious significance - CRAP
With the very reverend Heather Whinna officiating - NOT CRAP

I couldn't be happier about my marriage, despite what a lot of my "friends" said at the time. Six years and counting and I still can't believe I get to spend my life with this woman.


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