Wolf Eyes

Total votes: 22 (61%)
Total votes: 14 (39%)
Total votes: 36

Band: Wolf Eyes

I hated these guys when I saw them open for Lightning Bolt, and I thought they were ridiculous. Now I know a bit more about noise rock and while I still don't listen to them, and I still think they're ridiculous, I have to say NOT CRAP for producing music that is genuinely painful to listen to (the Mugger CD-R).

Band: Wolf Eyes

Wolf Eyes is a band in the tradition of what used to be called "industrial" music (Throbbing Gristle is obviously a huge influence). They are one of the only bands currently doing this. They're doing a great job at it.

And on any given night, they are capable of being the best live band on Earth.

"Dead Hills" is my favorite of their records.

Last edited by Angus Jung on Thu Mar 25, 2004 6:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Band: Wolf Eyes

Crap, and I LIKE noisy stuff. They just have no compositional sense, and are shitty live performers. I saw them open for Sonic Youth and was bored to tears when I wasn't laughing and making shadow puppets on the back of the tall guy in front of me.

I can say, however, that I have derived a good deal of entertainment from them, contrary to their intentions, by doing such things as singing Christmas carols with every lyrics replaced with repetitions of a Wolf Eyes song title.

"Dead In A Boat" was my favorite title for that.

They're just obnoxious.

Linus Van Pelt wrote:I subscribe to neither prong of your false dichotomy.

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