Jesus Lizard lyrics

Hey dudes,

Help me out with a problem that's been bogglin' my noggin for a while now, if you can: It seems like there is a pattern that connects the lyrics in TJL's LIAR to some overarching theme. The problem is, I'm just not getting it, and I'm feeling really dumb and confused. Other records that have been frustrating me in this manner are: The Birthday Party's "Junkyard," The Minutemen's "Double Nickels" and Sonic Youth's "Sister".

Let me elaborate. There are few things that pop up:

1) A LEGAL DISPUTE, or references to the LAW; i.e. "In his pride I saw his just defense"; the image of Moses (the law-giver) in "Zechariah"; probably more I'm forgetting.

2) SICKNESS or DISEASE; i.e. "a germ-free place"; "blistered wounds are sticky mounds"; "i think you're sick/with that rash you're dotted and glossy"; "a pain in my side"; the pygmy sitting on your chest, sort of like a little virus or something, etc.

3) The image of the SEA, which seems to come up in alot of the band's songs

4) Lots of VIOLENCE in every song, and DEATH.

Can somebody shine some light on this stuff? Or am I just looking for things where nothing is to be found?


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