Yngwie Einstein wrote:Saw them open for the Volcano Suns last show ever at Lounge Ax some years back, if my memory serves me well. Smart, short pop songs. Surprised they/he are still around.
Actually, the very last Volcano Suns show at Lounge Ax was a strange bill...I do not remember MOTO on that bill... the Slugs already had the night booked so the Volcano Suns played after... kinda like two separate shows.. I remember a ton of people outside on the sidewalk when the Slugs were playing, then they all filed in for the Volcano Suns ... as the Slugs fans were heading out the door to go home. Very strange night... but great great show! David Yow set the carpet on the stage on fire accidently (throwing matches at Bob...accidently...) and did a leaping body slam to the that part of the carpeted floor when it started to actually flame up. Peter played URGE Overkill's drumset for the show and someone had taped a piece of paper that said 'VS' over the 'UO' logo on the kick drum. Bob left the club in red tights on the back of a very attractive (and crazy) woman's motorcycle. Such a good night.