Twilight Singers

Not Crap
Total votes: 5 (83%)
Total votes: 1 (17%)
Total votes: 6

Band: Twilight Singers

NOT CRAP, but I like everything Greg Dulli does.

I've had friends that didn't like the Whigs OR the Twilight Singers, but their covers album, "She Loves You", changed many a mind.
Christopher_Dragon wrote:Take all the Rod Stewart songs ever written and combine them and they would not provide me with a fraction of the joy I get from watching Ric Flair put someone in a figure four leg lock.

Band: Twilight Singers

I am not a fan of Mr. Dulli's projects. They seem precious and terribly contrived to me.

I recognize I may be alone in this opinion, as I have had many, many fanboys and fangirls spew endless, obsessive love for Mr. Dulli's "sexy" music at me. And I have listened politely and sampled what they passed on and more.

I remain unconvinced by what he's done.

"You get a kink in your neck looking up at people or down at people. But when you look straight across, there's no kinks."
--Mike Watt

Band: Twilight Singers

Not Crap, but the Twilight Singers stuff doesn't hold a candle to the Afghan Whigs. I think Dulli is too talented to make an album that's not interesting, but I'm waiting for him to make another one as good as Gentlemen or Congregation.

BTW, a woman I know used to date Dulli, and says Blackberry Belle is all about her. Sounds weird, but I believe her. She also says he listens to Jesus Christ Superstar a LOT.

Band: Twilight Singers

Dear Greg Dulli,

Stop. The new Twilight Singers album, "Powder Burns" is horrible. Your "I'm so sexy and tortured" schtick is tired.

And for fuck's sake, you weigh what, 300 pounds now?


When black shirts no longer produce a slimming effect, it's time to enter the production phase of your music career.

And stop using "skinny" pictures from 1995. It's sad.

I'm still your biggest fan; I'm just looking out for your best interest.


P.S. - OR you could always start using again. Those were the days...
**Do we need the other Chemical Bros. records??

Band: Twilight Singers

oh how sad i was when the whigs broke up. i bought the 1st twilight singers record for comfort and was mildly surprised. it became a favorite for a while.

years passed and blackberry belle came out. _i fucking love this record. it's one of the dulli's best records._ with great anticipation, i bought amber headlights(strike 1), then powder burns(steeerike 2!)

Gutter Twins, you're behind in the count.
kerble wrote:you talked smack, now you gotta pony up some tone, hoss.

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