by steve_Archive
My grandfather was a crack shot with a rifle. He had a Winchester model 97 that he would show off with. He would stick a wooden match in a fence post, and light it by making the bullet graze the top from 50 paces. If he was feeling frisky, he'd do it with four or five in consecutive shots.
My brother had a 500cc single motorcycle that he bored and stroked to 700cc. He used it to climb hills competitively. He took his knobby tires to the garage one winter, drilled a bunch of holes in the treads and installed long tire studs so he could ride it on sheer ice. He would throw gigantic rooster-tails of ice and snow as he tore ass around our neck of the woods.
While still in high school, my sister learned French, Spanish, Greek, German, Portugese and Russian. She does not use them conversationally, that I know of, it was just an interest of hers.
My father, while in high school, beat the then-extant world record for the standing long jump, which was removed from Olympic and collegiate competition the same year. He was the best in the world at something nobody cared about any more. He was a motorcycle racer, and set several California records, notably in the Flying Mile, which stood for decades. He also threw a paper airplane across the Rose Bowl. He also appears in the Norman MacLean book Young Men and Fire, as he was a forest fire research scientist for much of his professional life. He also designed parts of the Titan IIIc missile. Did I mention that my dad was a badass?
That's just my family. I have friends whose stories would curl your hair. Like Ted, brother of Tad, who smuggled microchips into China in his ass, and smuggled hashish out of Tibet in his ass. Inter-continental ass smuggling.
And the guy who bedded several mother/daughter teams. Same guy shit his pants on national TV.
As a little girl, my girlfriend drew a picture of Rich Koz, and it was shown on the Son of Svengoolie monster movie show, which will be familiar to any Chicagoans of a certain age.
Top that!
steve albini
Electrical Audio
sa at electrical dot com
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