Who here misses the Rabbit. Mr CR

I know I do.

Lately I have fallen in with a couple of repribates.

I can honestly blame this on Rabbit.

His guidance is needed for me to post "The Greatest Thread Ever Bar None"

Please track him and bring him back.

Seriously Rabbit. Get the fuck back here now before everyone who has apologised to me for being out of order take back their comments.
peri wrote:The gfirl just emailed me, "I've never had any desire to eat a scotch egg'.

I guess she gonna go hungry tonight

Who here misses the Rabbit. Mr CR

Champion Rabbit wrote:I think it can be safely assumed that tear-clogged keyboards prevented any replies!


Salut Rysie; make preparations for my return...

Hope all's going well with the new start and (hopefully) the new job! I should warn you though, Rysie's interest in your current situation is less that of a friendly fellow EA-er and more that of a derranged stalker.

Rysie, where, might I enquire, have all my smalls been disappearing to? I hang them out to dry and a few hours later they're gone! I really don't see the point of sniffing a clean gusset.

You know, you only had to ask...

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