
Total votes: 36 (52%)
not crap
Total votes: 33 (48%)
Total votes: 69

Act: Suicide

Linus Van Pelt wrote:
Gramsci wrote:standard human egoism.

Sign me up.

Don't worry, I'm signed up as well [winky face].

But the whole concept of existence does do my head in. Obviously all of the human religions are totally invalid. I mean seriously, trusting a bunch of nomads and lunatics 2000-4000 years ago who didn't even know what air or water was to give us answers to the big questions is just retarded. But that still leaves us with the big "why", which I doubt is something that can be answered.

So kill yourself now or die later -once you are dead you no longer exist... try remembering life before you were born- the universe will keep on going just the way it has whether humans are alive or all dead, it really doesn't make any difference at all.

Humans should stop pretending that we have any effect on the universe. We don't and the universe could care less if we are around or not. The universe wasn't made for us, we were made by the universe.

Embrace the void!

[super winky face]

Popular Mechanics Report of 9-11

NIST Investigation of the World Trade Center Disaster

Act: Suicide

Rimbaud III wrote:
Why is Gramsci going to Argentina?

Why would anyone want to stay in the U.S? If it wasn't for my job and the fact that I own a home, I would be outta here. In spite of these "stakeholder" bindings, I'm still trying to get out of here. Anyone know any employers in Scandinavia that are hiring?!? Even China and India are looking impressive now.

I'm so tired of these political crooks (in both parties, though the Republicans are much worse). I'm so tired of the religious morons and the tyranny of their minority. I'm tired of the welfare for corporations. I'm tired of Pat Robertson, who is the devil, but claims he is so Christian, even after advocating the assasination of the Venezuelan prime-minister, because he shares their oil money with the people. I must have missed that book in the bible -- the one where Jesus talks about assasinating foreign leaders. Also the one where Jesus turned a loaf of bread and a fish into food for everyone, and then proceeded to charge them $50 a plate.

I'm tired of the military industrial complex. I'm tired of having people in other countries hate me because I am American. I'm tired of the money grubbing trophy women, and the men that engage in conspicuous consumption so they look "money" enough to get some "action". I'm tired of the cultural black hole of worshipping whatever decade was 20 years prior to today.

Heck, even Bangladesh looks appealing compared to a place like New Orleans right now.

The question should not be, why is Gramsci in Argentina, but why are we all still here in the U.S. (OK, not all of us).

I believe Peter Nicholls of IQ put it best, in their 24 minute epic "Harvest of Souls":

IQ wrote:The sky lights up above America
The world is lost but loves America
When the eyes of children
See the ones left standing
And the rest begin to finally understand
The hand of God defends America
And who would not defend America?

We've got light on our side
We ring pole position
So praise the Lord
And raise the ammunition high
Raise it high

Hide where you can
We will shoot you where you stand

Act: Suicide

Eksvplot wrote:
we don't live in a world of possibilities -- we live in a world of limitations, and it's only getting worse. sometimes it becomes too much of a burden to simply behold how out of tune everything is, how empty daily life can be, how insincere and opportunistic people generally are toward one another, how our present society encourages stupidity and pettiness, how our bodies are constantly decaying, how the environment is going to shit, how awful things happen to wonderful people, how commerce has a stranglehold on art, how inherently biggoted everyone is, how governments thrive on deceiving and slighting the very people they claim to represent, how impossible it is to find someone you're compatible with both emotionally/intellectually and sexually, how everyone is essentially too absorbed in their own life to reach out when you need it and yet you can't get rid of them when you'd like to be left to your devices, how... well... okay... you get where i'm going here.

ding ding ding...we have a winner. There is a point where this all becomes overwhelming, and maybe there are better days ahead...but maybe said person is tired of trying. If he has thoroughly thought it out, I see no reason why not to. It is not a tragedy, or a great loss...your friends and family will be hurt, but their pain will heal eventually. After a certain point, the idea of just "hanging on" becomes ridiculous, to me at least.
There are crispy fries waiting to come out of your oven: you just have to make them and put them there.

Act: Suicide

Yes, I too saw this thread and thought it was for the band (or act) Suicide. Ha! Anyway...

I think of suicide as I do abortion... I so wish there were no need for either in the world. That said, who the hell am I to tell someone it is wrong for them or prescribe my views on to others? I give people enough credit to come up with their own right answers for themselves on these very very serious and personal issues... I have had experience with someone that had killed themselves for what seemed like the right reasons and though it was very very sad, it was also a very decided way to take hold of their situation on their own terms. It feels like it was a very positive act, one of strength and courage and one of care for this person's loved ones. Certainly this case does not represent all cases of suicide but it sure showed me another side to such a seemingly terrible act.

Act: Suicide

Eksvplot wrote:suicide is perfectly valid.

i'm not saying i'd ever actively encourage anyone to do it, but this silly notion that life is always, unconditionally, worth living -- under any circumstances -- is such fucking bullshit.

we don't live in a world of possibilities -- we live in a world of limitations, and it's only getting worse. sometimes it becomes too much of a burden to simply behold how out of tune everything is, how empty daily life can be, how insincere and opportunistic people generally are toward one another, how our present society encourages stupidity and pettiness, how our bodies are constantly decaying, how the environment is going to shit, how awful things happen to wonderful people, how commerce has a stranglehold on art, how inherently biggoted everyone is, how governments thrive on deceiving and slighting the very people they claim to represent, how impossible it is to find someone you're compatible with both emotionally/intellectually and sexually, how everyone is essentially too absorbed in their own life to reach out when you need it and yet you can't get rid of them when you'd like to be left to your devices, how... well... okay... you get where i'm going here.

basically, if i didn't enjoy the simple things, like the color of autumn leaves or the random encounters with nice people, i'd have offed myself long ago. i'm not planning on killing myself at all. i'm too interested in seeing where all of this leads within the course of my existence. all i'm say is that i don't think it's unreasonable for someone to take everything into account and, at the end of the day, say "fuck it!" and be done with it. as jean renoir said, every man has his reasons.

You have some good points. I agree.
The limitations and corruptions of this world have led me to consider it numerous times, but I eventually would obviously choose not to go through with it, for two reasons: A) I don't know what will happen in the future, nor would I find out if I had given up and taken my life. B) My friends and family wouldn't take too kindly to it.
You can say that life and existence is completely meaningless, that we are a mere collection of atoms residing on a much larger collection of atoms called Earth, and that suicide, as well as life, is meaningless and irrelevant, and would make no difference in the universe.
That may be true, but for the time being, I choose to live. This is probably due to my fear of not knowing what'll happen after death. And I'd like to see Shellac live someday.

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