This activity is not crap.
I am a very competent guitar player and can play pretty much anything I want on it.
When I play drums, I can't. This makes it fun.
Guitarists playing drums
12yesterday on rehearsel my drummer was really fucked up (personal problems) and just couldn´t play. luckily, our other guitarists can play some drums and keep a beat, so we rehearsed a bit anyway...
s.f.m.c.e --> sorry for my crappy english
Guitarists playing drums
13I play both guitar and drums. I am more comfortable on guitar but I love playing both. I am in a band in which I play guitar and sing, and I fill in occasionally for my friends' band when their drummer doesn't show up. Sometimes I fill in for my own band when our drummer doesn't show up.
Do it do it do it!
Do it do it do it!