60's YBA-1A -> Traynor 6x10" cab (stock speakers)
70's YBA-1A -> Kustom 2x12" cab (Celestion G12T-75's)
The 60's YBA-1A recently (a couple months ago) replaced the Traynor TS100 that had only shortly before that replaced the Laney VC30 as the other half of my guitar amp rig. The VC30 will be coming to my apartment shortly for home rockin. The Danelectro Dirty 30 will go back to being a paperweight.
I have an assload of different amps to fill different roles
-30W : Danelectro Dirty 30 (garbage-picked, works fine)
15W : '65 Ampeg Reverberocket R-12-R-B (garbage picked, is fussy)
30W : Laney VC30
50W : YBA-1
80W : YBA-1A
120W : Ampeg V4; TS100 (solid state)
160W : YBA-3
300+ : YBA-3A; MonoBlockII (solid state)
Bass, right now, is the YBA-3A @2 ohms into an SVT 4x10" cab and an EV 2x15" cab. I'm rather digging it! Hopefully the forthcoming cap job leaves it sounding as good or better.
"The bastards have landed"
www.myspace.com/thechromerobes - now has a couple songs from the new album