What Kind of Amps Do You Play?

1) A sort-of-tweaked 70s Twin Reverb (I bought it used and in crap shape in the eighties). I added a half-power switch and the speakers aren't the right impedence so it distorts early and very nicely. I've always loved the sound and didn't realize that Twins aren't supposed to sound like this until I brought it to my amp guy.

He brought it all into spec except the speakers (he said it would be ok to leave the speakers because Fenders are more forgiving of impedance mismatches). I wouldn't let him do it anyway.

I love this damn amp.

2) 50w Marshall JCM-800 head. No Effects send/return, no reverb, no channel switching just one 50w channel of Marshall beef with tone controls and the volume/gain knobs.

3) 1968 Fender Champ. This one had a ripped speaker and who knows what electronic woes when I got it. The tone was perfect, though. Bliss. I brought it to my amp guy who brought it into spec and retubed, re-speakered it and unfortunately changed the tone completely. No more sweet distortion ...just a beautiful, tubalicous clean tone. I regret that one bigtime! Oh well, now I know.


What Kind of Amps Do You Play?

endofanera wrote:These are the top three.

#2 -- Trace Elliot Velocette. One of the little 15 watt 1X10 jobs. No half-power switch. Very nice amp.

That is a fun amp...and hooked up to a 4x12 it really sounds great.

I got it on a whim while needing a practice amp. I found it after getting the 2x10 Vellocette 30watt.
I love that thing. ~80% of my AC30's sound but with a pull-gain pot!!! ....Oh and very portable.

While we're here:
TSL100 Head
JCM900 SLX 100W Head
DSL401 1x12
Super Reverb RI

1960A Cab


What Kind of Amps Do You Play?

hiredgeek wrote:I find it very entertaining that a few refer to your amps as "bad boys." as a trend, it is a character of marshall owners. maybe i have deep resentment for the people i've had to listen to play through these amps. i find it laughable that a jcm 2000 is considered a "bad boy." my distaste, my willingness to share this distaste is making me laugh...maybe your amp is magic, guitar players have a deep rooted sense of magical wisdom when it comes to their gear. i find the bulk of guitar accesories hilarious. also, the the Rloand 120 folks seem to have a scewed perseption of reality. why do the folks with the most awkward unsuitable gear have the strongest opinions about their crap. i know being broke and strapped for a decent selection of used gear is a constant. but why would i want to brag about my orange hagstrom 1, 60's Ampeg v-2, 60's guild 2x12? maybe i'll start a thread about tone, and looking at tubes.[/img]

so when did you see that ufo shaped like a jc-120? tough break.

What Kind of Amps Do You Play?

MrFood wrote:Ian Mackaye is a pacifist so he wouldn't hold anyone in a headlock.

aaactually there was that one scene in Instrument where the kid spits on him, and he drags said kid up on stage and holds him in a headlock for several moments, asking him to apologize.

i'm not saying the rest of your argument was unwarranted (or that hiredgeek's post was rather annoying and unneccessary), but you should have chosen a different attack. perhaps: "Ian Mackaye is a pacifist so he wouldn't kick anyone in the nuts."

yep, i'm just sayin' that.
if i got lasik surgery on one eye, i could wear a monacle.

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