Evolution Or Intelligent Design

God said to Abraham...
Total votes: 5 (4%)
It's evolution, baby!
Total votes: 106 (83%)
Two sides of the same coin
Total votes: 16 (13%)
Total votes: 127

DEBATE: Evolution VS Intelligent Design

solum wrote:
Gramsci wrote:Americans...

A "hot topic"? Where? In America only, the rest of us moved on in the 1950s sometime. Even the Vatican doesn't debate this...

Do you ever let up? Even for a second? Please say something new.

Gee, sorry. Someone asks about this dumb topic again -I didn't bring it up- and I'm supposed to roll-over and let the idiot shooting gallery line up again. I was trying to nip it in the bud before Mathew, Mark, Luke and Brian turned up.


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