Running Gefell MV692 from 48v

I have a Gefell MV692 (old style with the tuchel connector) that I'd like to convert to run off 48v phantom rather than 12v. I tried writing to Gefell and they didn't respond, I was just wondering if anyone here had done it? I'm guessing there's just a couple of resistors to change? Also, I had heard that the "V" in the model number indicates that the mic should run on 48v anyway, but when I tried that it made a bizzare squealing noise so I guess this is incorrect, or the mic is faulty?

Running Gefell MV692 from 48v

Thanks, but I'd rather do the work myself if I can get hold of a schematic from someone. I don't care about adding an XLR connector or anything, just want to run the mic straight off my preamps with no extra PSU in between. Added to which, I'm in England so its probably easier to just send it back to Gefell in Germany from here...
So, anyone done this?

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