by electrons_Archive
(I am left wholly dissatisfied about This Panter Knows Portuguese?. Not so much that it lost, but that it had to face such a good name early on. That upsets me, coupled with the fact that The Queen is Dad or Lasers for Feet, etc. will move on with certainty. Those names both are grossly inferior...but c'est la vie!)
The Albini Disaster
Are you there god? It’s me Danzig (1A)
Punch You Face Me (2A)
Ed Begley, Jr. and Solar-Powered Corolla (14A)
people, hi-five the pope (5A)
The Stack Dishtowels
Wyaoming (1S)
Roboweakling (2S)
Book Reference Book (11S)
The Taste of Steel as Your Last Meal (13S)
The Weissenberger dysentery
Police Teeth (1W)
Fyddylstyxx (2W)
Curry Favor (3W)
Simon Says: Go Fuck Yourself (5W)
The Jung Dingleberry
Syndrome of a Down (1J)
The Queen Is Dad (15J)
Emergency Turban (3J)
Test Fuck (4J)
OMGTTM, Al!!! (Oh My God to the Max!) I wish that you could hear the talk around the water cooler today. The EAMUBN64NSET office pool is in full-effect, to quote William Drayton (aka. Flavor Flav! Yea boy!!!!). Totally awesome. Accounts payable is roaring, specifically from Sara Sudekis, who picked Simon Says: Go Fuck Yourself to win it all! Jack Fidders’ Punch You Face Me pick is going strong. Strangely, The Queen is Dad had moved on, and most likely will move on again. Gertrude Bidanjiri in HR is totally stoked – and she has a gay father, too! She thinks its karma, I’ll bet. Just a little reminder to everyone else, don’t forget to turn in your pool money! It was kinda due 2 days ago. Don’t want to seem like a jerk - just keeping it fair, gang. Okay, cool.
-J. Teasdale
Ryan Kevin Rezvani (:u)~
You Sox