Five Albums...

pskooper wrote:(i know you said 5 but i have to add in something amazing - i would marry this album if i could - anyone who hasn't listened to this album needs to immediately - if you dont love INSTANTLY - you deserve to be beat up.)...
so here it is... eyed snakes - Rise up (what a band should sound like.)

i thought the album was a pretty weak aproximation of a live black eyed snakes show. the last show i saw wasn't all that spectacular because they played a somewhat toned down set with acoustic guitar etc., but man when they want to, they can lay down some devastating and hyperactive blues noise on stage.

on an almost completely unrelated note, does anyone know what's up with those weird mormon undergarments?

Five Albums...

Lots of Shellac fans here. Weird.

Truth be told, I'd probably go with esteemed recordings from the accepted canon of Eastern / Western musical history. Chopin, Stravinsky, Bach, Beethoven, Miles Davis, Sinatra - the kind of stuff I'll probably get really into over the years to come.

If I could count on only being stranded for a few weeks or dying of hunger and exposure first (a strong possibility) then I'd rather be listening to the good old familiar favorites;

Randy Newman - s/t
Smithsonian American Folk Anthology
Townes Van Zandt - High, Low & Inbetween
Burt Bacharach - box set
Sparks - Kimono My House

and if box sets are cheating, replace them with Scott Walker 2 and the complete Robert Johnson.

look what I got on Ebay today! ... %3AIT&rd=1


Five Albums...

ok, i've thought it over and here it goes:

-fushitsusha, double livePSF 015/16 (this is what i'd hunt to)
-gravitar, now the road of knives (this is what i'd masturbate to)
-codeine, hmmmm... ...fridgid stars? (this is what i'd wonder if i should kill myself to)
-joy division, unknown pleasures (this is what i'd be nostalgic to)
-john cage, altlas eclipticalis, janacek philharmonic version (this is what i'd listen to when i got sick of everything else)

Five Albums...

hey classical, hex enduction hour is my favorite record too.

hey guy who put all the this heat records: word.

to all who say they would take free jazz and twentieth-century composition records or whatever: please.

and that cd-r shit is cheating.

the fall - hex enduction hour
husker du - new day rising
mekons - fear and whiskey
billy bragg - back to basics
wire - chairs missing

all for sentimental value as much as anything!

what about books?

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