si-maro wrote:I'm fairly sure that Marsupialized is in Sparks.
I was in a metal band years ago and the queer blonde lead singer went by the name 'Sparks' we played a show once and one person was in the audience. After we played I went up to her to talk to her and I found out she was deaf. We played to one deaf girl. The place was huge too, how pathetic is that?
The only people who get mad at being called internet put downs like 'troll' are gigantic nerds, like the people who use those terms when insulting people.
As far as what bands I am in currently, do 5 seconds of homework and you will figure it out. It was discussed at length a little while back.
Or you could just type in 'universally respected rock bands' or 'The greatest band in all of Chicago' into google and it should come up.