Pickup Lines

Andrew L. wrote:
El Protoolio wrote:I love how a thread about funny pickup lines turns into a pissing match between 3 guys who obviously really, REALLY need to get laid - maybe even by each other. Why not start another thread and/or stop feeding the trolls? All 3 of you just sound like idiots at this point. Stop fighting and just get a room already. I want to read more funny pickup lines without wading through crap since, you know, that's what the thread is supposed to be about.

We're not fighting, we're trying to pick each other up. Relax.

have you never seen an elaborate mating dance such as this? very common in all walks of nature, sit back and enjoy the show

BTW, 2 posts from the same person in a row is lame. Just say whatcha got to say and wait your turn, makes you look a little too upitty
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Pickup Lines

Marsupialized wrote:
Rotten Tanx wrote:Marsupythingy. I bet I could beat the shit out of you. And I'm a complete pussy. And a nerd! I even wear glasses and have a bad haircut. Still, I could kick your ass. Without even trying very hard.

How do you like them apples?

I'll take that bet.
In fact I bet 100 dollars of my own hard earned dough that my girlfriend could whip your ass and make you cry real tears of pain in under 2 minutes.
You know, you nerds have been saying you are going to come to one of our shows and beat me up or teach me a lesson or turn me on to the sissy lifestyle or whatever you have in mind for about a year now and I am still waiting.
Waiting waiting waiting. Never do they show, not even to heckle and run. Not even to throw a bottle at me or anything. They just sit at their computers pissing and bitching and moaning like the fucking nothing funny or interesting to say waste of time sissy rich kid indie rock nerds they are.
I officially DARE any group of you nerds to show up and give it your best shot.
I will fistfight any 12 of you people at the same time. I am serious, get your group together and start training because how could I possibly take on 12 of you, you have to win, right? I mean 12 of you 1 of me, come on.
I think you know I would TRAMPLE you like I would some girl's feelings.
Nothing to be ashamed of, some people are just weak.

Hey, I was only joking marsup. I mean it. I was only messing about. Are we cool? I dont want any trouble. Please.

Are we cool?
simmo wrote:Someone make my carrot and grapefruits smoke. Please.

Pickup Lines

Please. No more talking of the ass-kick. We have maybe never to hear of the ass-kick talk in this place before, even in funny. Please. Do not let this place also to become the ass-kick talk place. So many ass-kick talk places in the world. The whole world is now the ass-kick talk place. Please. This one place. No ass-kick talk.

Maybe to go to gym and talk ass-kick talk with fellow tough gym guy. This is good place for the ass-kick talk of sweaty men!

still my favourite post by Bradley R. Weissenberger. i think people should bear it in mind.

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