B& W speakers

Hello, I'm looking for some speakers to mix on in my bedroom/ studio.

I'm interested in the B&W matrix 805, I have not heard them yet but have listened to the B&W nautilus 805 and the B&W CDM1 NT.

Does anyone have any expierience with these other speakers? If so, how do they compare with the matrix 805?

Also, what amplifier do you use?


B& W speakers

The Nautilus series is the newer better series that replaced the Matrix series. I've never heard the Nautilus 805, but have been told that it sounds pretty similar to the Matrix 805.

I use a Bryston 3B. It's an excellent amplifier for this application.

Bob Weston

B& W speakers

the nautilus and matrix 805s--i've never heard them side by side, but i like them both

i HAVE heard the nautilus 805 and the signature series 805 side by side

the b+w signature series 805s are the finest small speakers i've ever heard

they are really really really great, and they kick ass on everything else, including the other 805s

they are also 3K a pair

so don't listen to them!

i use an old mcintosh mc2100 for monitoring in the basement studio

used to have a hafler p500, but i kept blowing tweeters with it

B& W speakers

I completely agree with tmidgett...the Nautilus 805's are among the most amazing small monitors out there. They sound wonderful, but what's even better is that they are very accurate as well, so far as EQ and general "lowest common denominator" sound goes. If you have the dough, I highly recommend them.

But of course...use your ears first --you may not like them.
E. Shaun Russell
Independent Producer
Moderator at The Womb

B& W speakers

I've been using the matrix 805's for some time now. I'm pretty happy with them. I'm interested in the new nautilus 805's. Anyone know how much they sell for? What are the sound qualities that seperate them from the matrix sereies?


B& W speakers


Please do yourself a favour and "try before you buy". I think these are an excellent choice but only you can decide if you actually like them after you get an opportunity to hear for yourself. Always trust your ears over opinions or published specs. My personal experience with B&W speakers is that choice of power amp will have a significant impact on how they sound, so try out a speaker/amplifier combo when doing your evaluation or you may get a surprise.


B& W speakers

Do you matrix 805 owners find the low mids and bass hard to monitor?
I do. I'm curious if they are better on nautilus 805s? I don't have a bw dealer in town. I wonder if I should change power amps? Or what? What about the matrix 801s? I've seen pictures of them at mastering studios and pictures of them at abbey road but that's about it. Not too many studios seem to be using them. I like the general sound of my matrix 805s but a little more bass and low mid clarity would be nice? Any recommendations?


B& W speakers

Thanks for all of your advice regarding speakers.

I bought a pair of the Matrix 805's and I'm very happy with them.

Now I need a new amplifier. Any more suggestions? I would like to get an amp that, in addition to sounding good with these speakers, is build to last.

So far tube amps have sounded better to me, but I have not ruled out solid state. Would a tube design sound overly flattering, causing me to undermix? I saw a Manley integrated amp that has record outputs. It might be nice to use this amp to monitor and run the mix from the record outputs.

What amps does Electrical Audio use?


Amos Scattergood

B& W speakers

amos wrote:Now I need a new amplifier. Any more suggestions? I would like to get an amp that, in addition to sounding good with these speakers, is build to last.

So far tube amps have sounded better to me, but I have not ruled out solid state. Would a tube design sound overly flattering, causing me to undermix? I saw a Manley integrated amp that has record outputs. It might be nice to use this amp to monitor and run the mix from the record outputs.

What amps does Electrical Audio use?


We use Hafler P500 and Crown PB1 amplifiers, although I have heard them with Chord, Bryston and Cello amplifiers, and they all sounded fine. I think having an amp with adequate headroom is an amsolute must, as these aren't the most efficient speaker in the world. I would recommend a minimum of 100 watts per channel, unless you exclusively listen to music at moderate volumes. They are nominally 4 ohms, which may present a difficult match for a tube amp, unless it has multiple output taps.

As far as "undermixing" in concerned, I don't know what you mean. If you're concerned that you might not be listening carefully enough, you will get used to your monitoring environment, whatever it is, and it won't be a limitation.

I can't give you advice about running your mix through anything. Generally, the less you run things through the better.

steve albini
Electrical Audio
sa at electrical dot com
Quicumque quattuor feles possidet insanus est.

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