Favorite Recording: Electrical-Albini

There are many many records I haven't heard, and I'm sure most if not all were very well done as well.

The Dirty Three - Ocean Songs The brush snare on this album just extends out everywhere, sounding very much like an ocean tide indeed.

Silkworm - Libertine Captured so lively and raw and powerful, simply awesome recording.

Were certain tracks off Rachel's Handwriting LP done with Steve? A couple selections off that record are beautifully dark and sparse. I never get bored of that recording.

Favorite Recording: Electrical-Albini

BadComrade wrote:
MajorEverettMiller wrote:The Frames' "For the Birds" (also an all-time favorite).

Never having heard this band before, I just threw their "Burn The Maps" CD on. The first track sounds like 50% Radiohead and 50% Coldplay. Needless to say, I couldn't make it more than half way through the CD before I had to turn it off.

Yeah, the new one is a little cliche, but still OK. "For the Birds" is an entirely different record though, really beuatiful. No, it doesn't make sense but it's true. The stuff before "For the Birds" is the worst though. Really bad.

Michael Gregory Bridavsky

Russian Recording

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