Favorite Recording: Electrical-Albini

The Owls record is way on up there.

Neurosis Times of Grace/Sovereign are in the running, too. I seem to like these recordings a little better than the last two albums - its just the drum sound in Studio B - works really well for their louder stuff.

Cheer-Accident's Introducing Lemon is probably going to take it. There's a whole lot of studio trickery going on, and it all sounds flawless.

Oh- it wasnt at EA, but Storm&Stress's first record really fascinates me. I need to draw up some "Question for Steve" questions about that one.

Now, if the melvins would suck it up and go to EA.... we might have to make some revisions.

Oh, and "Flies the Fields" is arguably the best work Bob's done, period. That record sounds amazing and makes me proud that at least Atlanta has Zero Return. Not much else, but at least that...
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Favorite Recording: Electrical-Albini

stewie wrote:...ok, but APART from The Frames, Therapy?, The Dudley Corporation, My Bloody Valentine, the aquaducts, drinkable water and public health, what have the Irish done for rock?

Stiff Little Fingers are from Northern Ireland and are one of my favorite rock bands. A friend recently gave me a "Suspect Device" t-shirt that rules much ass.

I would also argue that Sinead O'Connor's The Lion and the Cobra is a fine album.

Have fun, Stewie!
H-GM wrote:Still don't make you mexican, Dances With Burros.

Favorite Recording: Electrical-Albini

my favorite Albini recording is the extremely rare 7" "fart in a windstorm" (touch and go #001) you can really hear the subtlleties in his mic placement. I think I read somewhere he used a beyer m500. It's what made me want to become an engineer.
I have it on my Ipod on repeat. I go to sleep listening to it. Although his follow up 7" "S.B.D" (touch and go #002) wasn't as crisp and I think the reverb gave it a very wet almost juicy sound, it's still worth checking out.

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