Activity: The Martial Arts

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Total votes: 25 (83%)
Total votes: 30

Activity: The Martial Arts

Linus Van Pelt wrote:I have a question about martial arts. Why are boxing, wrestling, and fencing not considered martial arts? Or maybe it's more accurate to ask: why do some people not consider them martial arts?

In any event, Not Crap.

I used to study Cuong Nhu, a Vietnamese martial art has roots in seven other martial arts. Western boxing is one of them. So yeah, I think it depends on the person doing the considering.
"You get a kink in your neck looking up at people or down at people. But when you look straight across, there's no kinks."
--Mike Watt

Activity: The Martial Arts

The best martial art in the world is ta'i chi. Lots of people pass it up in favour of something more akin (on the surface) to their energy levels, eg. kickboxing etc, and leave ta'i chi to the old folks who can't move too quick. These people pass up the opportunity to learn one of the most devastatingly powerful martial arts there is. Ta'i chi chuan means 'supreme ultimate boxing'. That's what it is.

Chinese martial arts are very good for you and it doesn't take long before you're dealing with things that stretch beyond the everyday limits we impose on things, making energy move in ways that are very simple yet usually exist beyond the boundaries of what we expect of ourselves.

Not crap, grasshoppa x

Activity: The Martial Arts

Cranius wrote:My friend, who's really into martial arts, has just started doing Systema. He says that it's kind of unusual and involves lots of grappling. You have to do things like smile, before you attack your opponent, in order to catch them off guard. Basically, it's fighting dirty. The guy who runs the class goes round smacking you on the arse with a whip, to keep you on your toes. It just sounds a bit scarey to me. Whatever floats your boat, I guess.

This sounds like the kind of thing security guards around the world fantasise about being experts at.

From the site:

As the roots of the Russian System are in the Russian Orthodox Christian faith, the belief is that everything that happens to us, good or bad, has only one ultimate purpose.

Which appears to be the violent kicking of ass in the name of Jebus!

Activity: The Martial Arts

Not crap. I took Judo back in my early teens. Only did it for a short while -- I learned how to fall (the old drop and roll), which is a very valuable thing to learn. Once, I was practicing some move and I totally bent my big toe the wrong way. It hurt like a motherfucker, but I really didn't think much of it. A week or so later, my Mom and I were getting back from the grocery store. She got out of the car to get the mail. I got out and went for the back seat to pick up some potatoes that had fallen on the floor. My Mom didn't know I had gotten out, so after she grabbed the mail, she got back in the car, put it in drive and ran over my foot. We went to the hospital and my toe was broken. She felt terrible, but I'll never really know if it was the Judo or my Mom that caused the break.

Activity: The Martial Arts

kerble wrote:When my schedule frees up this year, I plan on starting over with a new school and working my way back up to my second black belt over the next decade. I'd really like to go to the Degerberg Academy on lincoln, as you have the option of learning stick-fighting (2 short sticks) once you've gotten orange belt status. I would love to learn how to whip the shit out of stuff with sticks.

stick fighting! so cool!

Not Crap.


Two and a half years later, and I have finally enrolled at the Degerberg Academy, with R.F.F. as an accomplice.

in a few months, I will be buying the "weapons" package and start training to fight:

-with one stick
-with one knife
-with one stick and one knife
-with two sticks
-with two knives

Kali (filipino style), in addition to the mixed martial arts training.

they also offer - Bando - Boxing - Capoeria - the Degerberg Blend (mixed martial arts) - Jiu Jitsu - Judo - Kali Escrima - Karate - Kenpo - Kickboxing - Kung Fu - Lee Jun Fan - Pilates - Savate - Self-defense - Shoot Wrestling - Silat - Tae Kwon Do - Tai Chi - Thai Boxing - Wing Chun - Wrestling - and Yoga

they also offer classes in stunts and weight-training.

this is going to be awesome.

Not Crap.

kerble is right.

Activity: The Martial Arts

i get the impression martial arts tend to be bs as far as actual combat/self-defense. look at the ultimate fighting championship -- no cool jumpkicks, just one guy sitting on another's chest pounding his face in or choking him. i get the impression that's closer to what real fights are like.

if martial arts supply you with exercise, discipline, focus, etc., cool. much like fencing or dancing.

i'd rather take dance classes, come to think of it, because i'd rather be able to get down to a song than throw a palm strike at a mugger who then shoots me in the face.

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