Dead Child

Just a bunch of gae pentagrams spinning ´round:

Zum ersten Mal betrete ich den Weg
Neugier, manchmal tödlich
Ich springe in Dich,doch überzeugt
das gehört zum Spiel
Ich bin bereit,
Dir zu vergeben an Dich zu glauben
Dich zu lieben

I die for you !

Du weinst um mich
und die Nacht legt sich über uns
Zum letzten Mal geflohen
vor der Wirklichkeit vor einer Ewigkeit
Stolz und doch verzweifelt


Nun hat Dein schwarzer Mund
mich in aller Sünd' entbunden
Mein Schädel gespalten auf Gr abes Stein
Ich will Dich fühlen erstmal finden
und verstehen auch verstehen


Sweet Temptress Dead,
show me that you are

Mahler - Kindertotenlied

Dead Child

momofliggins wrote:just so you all know this band will be good with or without pajo.

we'll see what the future holds for dead child. but the other members are all quite talented and its a shame to see it viewed as DPs band.


misc.momo -

You're right connor, and I didn't mean to discuss Dead Child as "DP's band". It's just that I am a huge geekdorkbitchcakes Pajo fan, so anything he's involved in becomes "Pajo's new thing" to me.
drew patrick wrote:Peripatetic will win.

Dead Child

well, rumours abound of him being dismissed. frankly, i think that would be the only real 'metal' thing to do. they'd be a whole lot more productive too...

others in the band:

dominic cippola: vocals (from phantom family halo band and starkiller)
michael mcmahan: guitar (from phantom family halo band and starkiller)
tony bailey: drums (from verktum, lords, aerial m, parlour, crain, and a zillion others)
todd cook: bass (from shipping news, parlour, crain, and a zillion others)

pajo is incredibly talented, but i think they'll be fine no matter what.


misc.momo -

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