What is the funniest band name of all times?

Nurse with Wound
Total votes: 3 (15%)
something else
Total votes: 17 (85%)
Total votes: 20

Funniest band name

Angus Jung wrote:Every time I hear the James Brown song "The Big Payback" I mentally substitute the words "The Vic Tayback."

Maybe that could be another thread. Do you have songs where you change the lyrics in your head when you hear them?

There is a term for misunderstood lyrics, which is the Mondegreen.

I don't find the topic of Mondegreens to be funny.

But as far as intentionally purposely mentally substituting your own lyrics? That's heady stuff.

For example, I will always say "I needed a visa / I bought a faghiza" in Pavement's "Embassy Row" because it sounds far more dangerous and exotic than "I needed a visa / I bought off a geezer".

I mean, if you're holding a faghiza, you can probably get whatever you want.

Funniest band name

Angus Jung wrote:Maybe that could be another thread. Do you have songs where you change the lyrics in your head when you hear them?

When I hear "The Swish" on the new The Hold Steady record, the line that ends "...this girl who looked like Nina Simone", I always mentally hear "..this girl who looks like Jena Malone."

I've already discussed my Jena Malone obsession elsewhere in the forum. (Anyone seen United States of Leland. Awful! But Jena was good.)

Anyway, funny band name... A friend of mine was in a folk duo called These Nuts. As in, like, here's two nutty guys!

Funniest band name

*I once saw a flyer for a show featuring a group called "The Banned". Think of the possibilities:

"Where are you going?"
"To The Banned concert."

Genius. Pure genius.

*I also agree with Adam Corrola's coment that "Jonny Keister and the Assets" would make a great name for a rockabilly group.
if i got lasik surgery on one eye, i could wear a monacle.

Funniest band name

Bradley R. Weissenberger wrote:But as far as intentionally purposely mentally substituting your own lyrics? That's heady stuff.

There's that RHCP song that was on the radio a few years ago, which apparently is supposed to start with the line "My friends are so distressed," which I've always preferred to hear as "My friends all sewed this dress." I haven't decided what kind of dress it should be--frilly? sensible? asstacularly badly constructed?--but I can picture the singer holding it up as he sings the line.
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