Neil Young s amp

I vaguely remembering reading in one of those shitty magazines like "Guitar World" or "Total Guitarist" about Neil Young's amp setup and it said he used a vintage Fender tweed amp but had this home made device that sat on top of the amp and turned the knobs on it to get different sounds. Kinda like having presets on a tweed amp...

Can anyone shed any light on this? It sounds crazy enough for me to have imagined the whole thing...
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Neil Young s amp

I know that this topic has been done here before though right now I'm in a rush and can't seem to find the post.

Anyway, in addition to the whizzer, he also has a strange way of amping his guitar. The first amp has a mic in front of it, which then feeds a 2nd amp. The 2nd amp is mic'd into a 3rd amp, which is then mic'd for the PA.

Don't finish reading about this topic until you've found something about his amps setup like this. It's a really cool sound (far better than chaining amps together with "line-outs" and stuff like that)

Neil Young s amp

sndo wrote:I know that this topic has been done here before though right now I'm in a rush and can't seem to find the post.

Anyway, in addition to the whizzer, he also has a strange way of amping his guitar. The first amp has a mic in front of it, which then feeds a 2nd amp. The 2nd amp is mic'd into a 3rd amp, which is then mic'd for the PA.

Don't finish reading about this topic (that is, if you care) until you've found something about his amps setup like this. It's a really cool sound (far better than chaining amps together with "line-outs" and stuff like that)

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