The Threesome

Even more fun than most things I love / I'm all for giving it a shot
Total votes: 34 (59%)
Not all it's cracked up to be / No way in hell I'd be into this
Total votes: 24 (41%)
Total votes: 58

Sexual Act: The Threesome

BadComrade wrote:So you were in Hammond Indiana getting a tattoo...

Doesn't Gary make Hammond look like Geneva? I remember visiting Gary as a child and there was one department story for every three boarded up buildings. They used to hold with honor the handgun murder capital of the country.

In general, Northwest Indiana is a full colostomy bag with a broken charcoal filter.

Taking the skyway over the abandoned steel factories is like a monument to the failures of industrialization.

At least until Binion's and Trump showed up.
MajorEverettMiller wrote:Obviously, the answer is Phil Lynott.

Sexual Act: The Threesome

full point wrote:Seriously though. I've never felt so unneeded. In a good way though (never bad)...I remember having a new respect for women's sexuality.

The fact of the matter is that, in a purely biological sense, the clitoris/vagina is far superior to the penis with regard to its utility in the receiving and sustaining of sexual activity and pleasure. It isn't even close.

Sexual Act: The Threesome

Angus Jung wrote:
full point wrote:Seriously though. I've never felt so unneeded. In a good way though (never bad)...I remember having a new respect for women's sexuality.

The fact of the matter is that, in a purely biological sense, the clitoris/vagina is far superior to the penis with regard to its utility in the receiving and sustaining of sexual activity and pleasure. It isn't even close.

I dunno, this cock o' mine is sure pretty good at receiving sexual pleasure...the only thing it's good for, really.
I have dated girls who's vaginas were not very good at all at receiving and sustaining sexual pleasures. Like sandpaper it was.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Sexual Act: The Threesome

Marsupialized: I saw where you will step out of character if someone asks about your band, but I can't feign interest in your band, so it's cool with me if you just stay in character.

Everybody: Keep in mind that your band is even funnier than your character.

Sexual Act: The Threesome

itchy mcgoo wrote:
Marsupialized wrote:I have dated girls who's vaginas were not very good at all at receiving and sustaining sexual pleasures. Like sandpaper it was.

The most frequent cause of this condition is "lack of arousal".
Just so you know.

OR she might actually have sandpaper up her Ho Ho®
just sayin' it is a possibility
Bradley R. Weissenberger wrote:Shin guards for all!

Sexual Act: The Threesome

Angus Jung wrote:Marsupialized: I saw where you will step out of character if someone asks about your band, but I can't feign interest in your band, so it's cool with me if you just stay in character.

Everybody: Keep in mind that your band is even funnier than your character.

dammit, I really wanted you to like my band. I really want you to like me as a person. It hurts me when you say these things, it really does.
I always saw us as one day becoming good friends. Sitting around, playing cards and drinking beer in our boxers. I see now that dream is dead.
I get shit because I'm a jerk, then I'm not a jerk for 2 seconds and I get shit for that. You can't win around here.
Please stop saying these mean things to me, I am a very emotional person and it just ruins my whole day. I sit and stare at the computer wondering what I have done to deserve such shabby treatment from you people. I thought this was like a family. Turns out you are all just a bunch of jerks. Now I'm crying, I hope you are happy. Jerks.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

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