One of our cats is missing...

We have three cats, my daughter's favourite one hasn't been seen since yesterday lunchtime; printing-up 'missing cat' posters as I type. Reported it to the Identichip cat-locater people. Wandered round the neighbourhood about 1000 times.

Not very hopeful.


One of our cats is missing...

Linus Van Pelt wrote:
Gramsci wrote:You don't live near a Chinese restaurant do you?

Bad Gram! Bad on multiple levels!

CR, I hope you get your cat back!


fig. 1 (L-R): too cute to be so sad, the lost one?

Thanks chaps!

That's the cat...and the daughter.

One of our cats is missing...

Rimbaud III wrote:What about walking round the neighbourhood with a squeaky toy or something? You'll look demented, but if it's something your cat's familiar with, who knows?

This reminds me of when I go out into the street with the "tickle stick" - a stick with big bunch of coloured feathers on it, shouting "puss puss, puss puss." Very embarrassing.

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