Over and Over and Over Again

I listened to "What are You Doing Here Cowboy?" by Joel RL Phelps and the Downer Trio 6 times today. That's over 30 minutes dedicated to one song. And I have a kid to attend to!

I don't think I've done that before. Maybe with "The Lonliest Enuretic" by A Minor Forest. But not 6 times, there's no way.

So start listing them.

My god. 30 minutes. one song.


Over and Over and Over Again

It's weird to see this thread this morning. I had a two-hour break between classes last night, which I decided to spend reading in my car. I mainly listened to three songs. Three damned songs!

Nick Lowe: "Cruel to be Kind"
Bruce Springsteen: "Atlantic City"
T. Rex: "Main Man"

This happens to me fairly often; I can't hear enough of a particular song.
matthew wrote:His Life and his Death gives us LIFE.......supernatural life- which is His own life because he is God and Man. This is all straight Catholicism....no nuttiness or mystical crap here.

Over and Over and Over Again

Hey! I recently went through a phase where I played Mssr. Phelps "Hope's Hit" about a million times a day.

Have now moved on to the Bonnie Prince Billie/Greatest Palace Hits version of "Gulf Shores."

Before that: "Knoxville Girl" by the Louvin's.

Before that: Clarance Ashley's "Coo-coo Bird" from the Harry Smith Anthology.

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