british or american?

Total votes: 43 (49%)
Total votes: 45 (51%)
Total votes: 88

British or American?

i hesitate...

musically? there were the beatles and the stones, but americans have given the world gems like limp bizkit and birtney.

we americans are responsible for good cheese. and brits should be docked points for a little thing called the 'teletubby.' such a tough descision to make...


British or American?

bellulah wrote:we americans are responsible for good cheese.

this is actually propoganda spread by your government... all the good cheese recipies in the US come from elsewhere, cheddar for example is british, mozzarella is italian etc etc. though you guys did invent the idea of processing cheese.

British or American?

I do laugh a hearty Englishman's laugh when I am, say, playing online poker with the same name and location as it says on the left here, and people from major US cities ask "so is that London, Ontario?". As if! Such tiny incidents remind me just how effortlessly superior in every way we British are to all Americans.

British or American?

johnnyshape wrote:I do laugh a hearty Englishman's laugh when I am, say, playing online poker with the same name and location as it says on the left here, and people from major US cities ask "so is that London, Ontario?". As if! Such tiny incidents remind me just how effortlessly superior in every way we British are to all Americans.

You're only superior because you had the good sense to invade, rape, pillage, and colonize places with great food. Why couldn't America take over Thailand or Lebanon?


British or American?

I think I have to say American, for the following reasons:

Foam cheese
Taco Bell
The "turd in a flaming bag on the doorstep" trick
Paper money which makes you feel richer than you actually are
The Foreman Grill which is so good he put his name on it and all the fat dripped off
The numerous ways of ordering eggs at a cafe

But you also have

Michael Jackson
Chad Kr-kr- that guy from Nickelback
Fred Durst

BUT, on the other hand, we Brits have

Mature Cheddar
Greasy spoons
Knock down ginger
More coins which make you feel heavier than you actually are
The Foreman Grill which is so good he put his name on it and all the fat dripped off
Fried or boiled, love, wiv a cuppa milky tea - you'll eat it and you'll fucking like it, oit?

Yet we also have:

Garry Glitter
Jack Osbourne (although he is slowly becoming more American)

I'm not sure which way to vote now.

British or American?

SpankMarvin wrote:Mature Cheddar

ive actually had an argument with a girl from wisconsin (the 'dairy' state) regarding americas so called cheese superiority... the basis of her whole argument was that americas cheeses aren't too strong!

we have stilton for fucks sake... that cheese isnt for pussys

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