Can you say without shame that you have been to a gay bar?

I have not been to a gay bar.
Total votes: 28 (18%)
I am not ashamed to say I have been to a gay bar.
Total votes: 117 (76%)
I am ashamed to say I have been to a gay bar. (No votes)
I am not a straight guy, but I would like to vote in this poll.
Total votes: 8 (5%)
Total votes: 153

Poll for straight guys

hellyes!! wrote:
scott wrote:I voted "not ashamed to admit, been to a gay bar". My experience there was for shit. Some friends had talked me into going with them to Roscoe's, they said it's fun.

We went there, and it was pretty unbelievable. There actually *was* a conga line of doudes just cruising around the place. A big line, too! And they made a point of rubbing up against us (or at least me) when they went past.

After a few minutes of being there, I was like "alright guys, I've had enough of this place".

It was bad music, extremely crowded, all about dancing... things I don't really look for in a bar experience. And to top it off, there were very few women there, and some who were really good looking... seriously, what are the odds that they're actually chicks?

Not ashamed to say I went. In fact, I should probably go to a gay bar now, to see if it's the same kinda scene as what I experienced. That way I can be slightly more informed when I say "man, I don't like going to gay bars".

Roscoe's tends to be more like that than some other gay bars. Also, the gay boys probably knew you were uncomfortable so they made an extra effort of rubbing against you. They were probably just having fun and toying with you. Lesbians have flirted with me in such ways and it has never bothered me. I just play along and have fun for the time-being. They know I'm straight, I know they are gay...There's an understanding that nothing will happen and we're just being silly. Of course, I'm sure most guys aren't as cool about that sort of thing.

But, you really shouldn't base your gay bar opinion on one experience at one particular bar.

Roscoe's is lame. Every Halsted street bar is lame. Berlin is the place. I took my best friend who is straight there and he had a great time. We then went to the Manhole. There, not so much.
murderedman wrote:Your problem is your bloc attitude.

Poll for straight guys

hellyes!! wrote:

I regret responding to Matthew's post. I recommend other's ignore his ignorance as well. This is not to say I don't believe in free speech but you would be wasting your time trying to debate with him.

Thank you for the advice but I don't have time to respond, I must finish coercing society to believe that I am NORMAL and EQUAL....those fools.

Poll for straight guys

matthew wrote:I've got a neighbor who's quietly gay and he's always, er, having new male visitors over.

What, are you spying on him? Do you feel left out or something?

I mean, I actually live in the same house with about a 1/2 dozen other people and I dont know when they, er, have new "visitors" :tee hee: :blush: over.

My neighbors' sex lives? No idea.

So how come youre keeping track, if youre so grossed out by it?
"You get a kink in your neck looking up at people or down at people. But when you look straight across, there's no kinks."
--Mike Watt

Poll for straight guys

I am known to go to the gay bar from time to time. USS Horsewhip has played at the gay bar in Bellingham several times. We ususally have a good time and get paid well.

Went to the gay bar down the street from the Chop Suey in Seattle before seeing the New Bomb Turks on their final tour. Sat down, had a beer and got scoped out. The person in line ahead of us got their beer re-poured, as it contained to much foam. The friend I went with commented "That's the first time I've ever seen a gay man complain about too much head."

I've also been to a gay bar in the Bay Area on a day-off during tour. There was a large banner draped behid the bar that said "Go Bears!"

There is not a sports team in San Francisco called the "Bears."

The gay bar, she is amusing, and often fun to drink a beer at. Not crap.
Police Teeth: we like Void so much, we decided not to sound like them.

Poll for straight guys

i've never been to a gay bar, to my knowledge, but i have been to a gay party. it was interesting for sure as i think it gave me a better persepective on what women must go through at many "straight" bars, parties, etc., when men treat them like pieces of meat... with faces.

but i don't hold it against any of the gents in attendence for having hit on me, primarily because, afterall, i _was_ at a GAY PARTY. still, at the age of 20, while not a homophobe, i did feel a bit insecure. in fact, i met this pretty dumb, not terribly good looking girl there, through a friend, and i more or less jumped at the obvious opportunity to ask her on a date. we ended up going on a bad date, bad because she was pretty stupid (and not as "doable" sans beer goggles) and bad because i was being very roundabout in my increasing disinterest toward her. i was so apathetic that, toward the end of the night, i ended up taking a few sleeping pills, and told her, "hey, i'm probably gonna pass out inside an hour if that's okay with you." she was actually an okay person. she tucked me in before leaving and never calling again.

as you can tell, i can be quite the romantic.

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