What the hell, you guys - come on the 4th for the big Road Rally - Chicago to Seattle, then back to Chicago for the movie... take the whole month off!
Snakes on a plane!
The Official EA Forum Snakes on a Plane Thread
252Chapter Two wrote:
Look at the drama in the way that's written - it's pure Shakespeare. They should write 'Goddamn.' under it.
it's like they already know they don't need a flashy picture or action sequence with glitzy photo effects to sell the movie.
the name just says it all. they've already got all the hype they need.
The Official EA Forum Snakes on a Plane Thread
256Holy fuck indeed. Thank you Horsewhip.
Rick Reuben wrote:You are dumber than week-old donuts.
The Official EA Forum Snakes on a Plane Thread
258Snakes on a plane! The EA Forum is being courted by one of Samuel L. Jackson's website people!
matthew wrote:His Life and his Death gives us LIFE.......supernatural life- which is His own life because he is God and Man. This is all straight Catholicism....no nuttiness or mystical crap here.
The Official EA Forum Snakes on a Plane Thread
259placeholder wrote:Snakes on a plane! The EA Forum is being courted by one of Samuel L. Jackson's website people!
Snakes on a Motherfucking Plane.
kerble is right.
The Official EA Forum Snakes on a Plane Thread
260From Sam Jacksons forum, TheDiva wrote:gregkendallball wrote:I am curious is Mr. Jackson is aware just how huge this movie is in the blog world. As one blog crusader, I am amazed at how much buzz this film has generated.
I'm also curious as to how someone goes about getting an official invitation to one of the main premieres of this movie. I am not sure what the "official channels" are for such a thing, but I would be very interested in finding out. Not that Mr. Jackson owes anybody anything, but I think a few personal invites to some of those bloggers who have worked extra hard to spread the word, would go a long way in terms of karma!
He is not aware because I wasn't awware until last night.
I've called him to specifically discuss this. When he returns my call, I will make sure that he is aware of it. Thanks for your support!
This was posted Feb 8, I believe.
Ryan Kevin Rezvani (:u)~
Go You Sox
Go You Sox